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Reddit 2.0

This is a clone of Reddit

Doing things like

  • Create own TailwindCSS utility class
    globals.css @layer components {
      .icon {
        @apply h-9 w-6 cursor-pointer rounded-sm lg:w-9 lg:p-1 lg:hover:bg-gray-100;
      .voteButtons {
        @apply h-6 w-6 rounded-md p-1 hover:bg-gray-200;
  • React Hook Form
    watch('postTitle') && (
            <div className="flex items-center px-2">
              <p className="min-w-[90px]">Body:</p>
                className="m-2 flex-1 bg-blue-50 p-2 outline-none"
                placeholder="Text (optional)"

Tech used in this project

  • Supabase - Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. Start your project with a Postgres Database, Authentication, instant APIs, Realtime subscriptions and Storage.
  • Stepzen - Build a GraphQL API from your REST, Database and GraphQL Backends in Minutes.
  • DiceBear Avatars - DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. You can choose between simple identicons and lovely designed characters.
    And best of all: We provide a simple and free HTTP API that you can use right away!
  • React Hook Form - Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
  • React Hot Toast - Add beautiful notifications to your React app with react-hot-toast.
  • React-TimeAgo - A simple time-ago component for React.
  • Loaders - Free loaders & spinners for your next project. Built with HTML, CSS and a soupçon of SVG.
    Available for React and copypasta.