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File metadata and controls

145 lines (130 loc) · 5.6 KB


The customizable Commitizen plugin (or standalone utility) to help achieve consistent commit messages like the AngularJS team.


Install the module

yarn add @withblocks/cz-customizable --dev


Before you can commit with consistent commit message like the AngularJS team add the following in your package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "commit": "git add . && cz-customizable && git push",

To configure cz-customizable you could use our default configuration, put the code in .cz-config.js file:

 * Copyright (c) 2021 With Blocks. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the terms of the LICENSE file distributed with this project.

module.exports = {
  scopes: [
      name: "mobile"
      name: "web"
      name: "shared"
  messages: {
    type: "What type of changes are you committing:",
    scope: "\nEnlighten us with the scope (optional):",
    customScope: "Add the scope of your liking:",
    subject: "Write a short and simple description of the change:\n",
    body: 'Provide a LONGER description of the change (optional). Use "|" to break new line:\n',
    breaking: "List any BREAKING CHANGES (optional):\n",
    footer: "List any ISSUES CLOSED by this change (optional). E.g.: #31, #34:\n",
    confirmCommit: "Are you sure you the above looks right?"
  types: [
      emoji: "🐛",
      value: "fix",
      name: "🐛   fix:        Changes that fix a bug"
      emoji: "🚀",
      value: "feat",
      name: "🚀   feat:       Changes that introduce a new feature"
      emoji: "🔍",
      value: "refactor",
      name: "🔍   refactor:   Changes that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature"
      emoji: "💡",
      value: "test",
      name: "💡   test:       Adding missing tests"
      emoji: "💅",
      value: "style",
      name: "💅   style:      Changes that do not impact the code base  \n                   (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)"
      emoji: "📝",
      value: "docs",
      name: "📝   docs:       Changes to the docs"
      emoji: "🤖",
      value: "chore",
      name: "🤖   chore:      Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools\n                   and or libraries such as auto doc generation"
      emoji: "⏪",
      value: 'revert',
      name: '⏪    revert:     Revert to a commit'
  allowTicketNumber: true,
  isTicketNumberRequired: false,
  ticketNumberPrefix: "#",
  ticketNumberRegExp: "\\d{1,5}",
  allowCustomScopes: true,
  allowBreakingChanges: [
  breakingPrefix: "🚧 BREAKING CHANGES 🚧",
  footerPrefix: "CLOSES ISSUE:",
  subjectLimit: 100


Here are the options you can set in your .cz-config.js:

  • subjectLimit: {number, default 100}: This is the commit first line. Example: feat: this is a new feature or feat(scopePayments): this is a new feature

  • subjectSeparator: {string, default ': '}: This is the subject separator. Example: feat: this is a new feature

  • typePrefix: {string, default ''}: This is the commit type prefix. Example: config: { typePrefix: '[' }, result: [feat: this is a new feature

  • typeSuffix: {string, default ''}: This is the commit type suffix. Example: config: { typePrefix: '[', typeSuffix: ']', subjectSeparator: ' ' }, result: [feat] this is a new feature

  • scopes: {Array of Strings}: Specify the scopes for your particular project. Eg.: for some banking system: ["acccounts", "payments"]. For another travelling application: ["bookings", "search", "profile"]

  • scopeOverrides: {Object where key contains a Array of String}: Use this when you want to override scopes for a specific commit type. Example bellow specify scopes when type is fix:

    scopeOverrides: {
      fix: [
        {name: 'merge'},
        {name: 'style'},
        {name: 'e2eTest'},
        {name: 'unitTest'}
  • allowCustomScopes: {boolean, default false}: adds the option custom to scope selection so you can still type a scope if you need.

  • allowBreakingChanges: {Array of Strings: default none}. List of commit types you would like to the question breaking change prompted. Eg.: ['feat', 'fix'].

  • skipQuestions: {Array of Strings: default none}. List of questions you want to skip. Eg.: ['body', 'footer'].

  • appendBranchNameToCommitMessage: If you use cz-customizable with cz-customizable-ghooks, you can get the branch name automatically appended to the commit message. This is done by a commit hook on cz-customizable-ghooks. This option has been added on cz-customizable-ghooks, v1.3.0. Default value is true.

  • ticketNumberPrefix: {string, default 'ISSUES CLOSED:'}: Set custom prefix for footer ticker number.

  • breakingPrefix: {string, default 'BREAKING CHANGE:'}: Set a custom prefix for the breaking change block in commit messages.

  • footerPrefix: {string, default 'ISSUES CLOSED:'}: Set a custom prefix for the footer block in commit messages. Set to empty string to remove prefix.

  • breaklineChar: {string, default '|'}: It gets replaced with \n to create the breakline in your commit message. This is supported for fields body and footer at the moment.

  • upperCaseSubject: { boolean, default false }: Capitalizes first subject letter if set to true

  • askForBreakingChangeFirst: { boolean, default false }: It asks for breaking change as first question when set to true