filters and re-calculates phpunit's coverage text output for a specific codeowner based on the paths defined in gitlab's CODEOWNER file.
on top of that a minimum coverage percentage can be defined (defaults to 0.1) which will cause your pipeline to fail if the line coverage % dives below that threshold.
the following environment variables are used by all scripts
: owner as defined in theCODEOWNERS
: (optional): comma seperated list of paths to exclude while defined in theCODEOWNERS
file for ownerDEV_TEAM
. defaults to empty string.
the following environment variable is used by the coverage2codeowner script
(optional): minimum coverage required for the job to succeed. defaults to 0.1PHPUNIT_BASELINE
(optional): filepath of file containing paths to files and / or directories which are within the defined code space, but should be ignored while calculating coverage statistics.
module requires either an optimised or an authoritative classmap file so make sure to generate one of those in your configuration (see example below).
the script does not alter how your test suite runs in any way (so no run filters are applied), it just filters the output and re-calculates the summary. this way the other coverage artifacts (junit & xml) can be used by for example infection (see Infection).
codeowners-phpunit-coverage: stage: test needs: - composer-install variables: DEV_TEAM: '@team-awesome' EXCLUDE_PATHS: 'legacy/' MIN_COVERAGE: '85.00' PHPUNIT_BASELINE: './baselines/phpunit.txt' artifacts: expire_in: 1 hour when: always paths: - var/log/phpunit/* reports: junit: var/log/phpunit/junit.xml coverage_report: coverage_format: cobertura path: var/log/phpunit/cobertura.xml coverage: '/^\s*Lines:\s*\d+.\d+\%/' rules: - <your code owners run conditions> before_script: - composer dump-autoload --optimize --ignore-platform-reqs script: - php -dpcov.enabled=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=unit --coverage-xml=var/log/phpunit/coverage-xml --log-junit=var/log/phpunit/junit.xml --coverage-cobertura=var/log/phpunit/cobertura.xml --exclude-group=isolated --coverage-text --colors=never | ./.codeowners/