“Junior programmer's first git rebase –interactive
“ - Salvador Dalí, 1936, Oil on Canvas, stolen from @vojtatranta and classicprogrammerpaintings.com.
- webdev
- summary
man pages!
git commit --amend
git commit --amend --no-edit
push --force
push --force-with-lease
"Polish a feature branch, clean quick/bulk commits, fast fixes, fixups, review history.
- git rebase origin/master
- git rebase -i origin/master
- git rebase -i origin/master --exec "echo test pass"
- git rebase -i /hash/
- git rebase -i HEAD~4
- git rebase -i /hash/ --onto origin/master
- p, pick
- r, reword
- e, edit
- s, squash
- f, fixup
- x, exec
- d, drop
- skip
- continue
- abort
- edit todo
- autosquash
- split commit to multiple
- onto
- force-with-lease config
- fm, ri, rs, ra, fp config
- pushed branch + rebase fails
- conflicts during rebase (rebase feature onto master frequently!)
- lost commits (dropped, badly resolved conflicts, ->
- git rebase --interactive master --exec "! grep -R SpecialistDocument *" --exec rake
- git rebase --interactive master --exec "! git show | grep SpecialistDocument"
- (source: http://jamesmead.org/blog/2017-04-12-git-interactive-rebase-with-the-exec-option)
- git rebase -i --exec "git reset-authors" (source https://til.hashrocket.com/posts/2839b35a3b-execute-a-shell-command-on-every-commit-in-rebase)