diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 197b85cd7..8ac41eec6 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3593,6 +3593,7 @@ _Includes a backend boilerplate_ - [vue-apollo-connector-kit](https://github.com/ecerroni/apollo-connector-kit) - JWT authentication with 2 different strategies (localStorage and httpOnly cookies). Authorization using custom directives (apollo). - [DotVue](https://github.com/mbdavid/DotVue) - Implement .vue file handler in .NET with server ViewModel postback. Single-file components with server-side ViewModel. Use all power of VueJS with simple C# server-side data access. - [isomor-vue-app](https://github.com/apiel/isomor#getting-started-with-vue) - Setup a working environment with Vue and isomor, to unify the frontend and the backend by generating automatically the API. +- [Walnut Admin](https://github.com/Zhaocl1997/walnut-admin-client) - A free open source fullstack admin template project based on TypeScript. Vue3 + Vite + Naive UI + [Nestjs](https://nestjs.com/) + [mongodb](https://www.mongodb.com/). Long term maintained, pr, issues and ideas welcomed. #### Electron