import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
getInviteMessage | GET /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Get Invite Message |
getInviteMessages | GET /message/{userId}/{messageType} | List Invite Messages |
inviteMyselfTo | POST /invite/myself/to/{worldId}:{instanceId} | Invite Myself To Instance |
inviteUser | POST /invite/{userId} | Invite User |
requestInvite | POST /requestInvite/{userId} | Request Invite |
resetInviteMessage | DELETE /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Reset Invite Message |
respondInvite | POST /invite/{notificationId}/response | Respond Invite |
updateInviteMessage | PUT /message/{userId}/{messageType}/{slot} | Update Invite Message |
InviteMessage getInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot)
Get Invite Message
Returns a single Invite Message. This returns the exact same information but less than getInviteMessages
. Admin Credentials are required to view messages of other users! Message type refers to a different collection of messages, used during different types of responses. * message
= Message during a normal invite * response
= Message when replying to a message * request
= Message when requesting an invite * requestResponse
= Message when replying to a request for invite
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final InviteMessageType messageType = ; // InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType.
final int slot = 56; // int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type.
try {
final response = api.getInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->getInviteMessage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
messageType | InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType. | |
slot | int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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List getInviteMessages(userId, messageType)
List Invite Messages
Returns a list of all the users Invite Messages. Admin Credentials are required to view messages of other users! Message type refers to a different collection of messages, used during different types of responses. * message
= Message during a normal invite * response
= Message when replying to a message * request
= Message when requesting an invite * requestResponse
= Message when replying to a request for invite
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final InviteMessageType messageType = ; // InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType.
try {
final response = api.getInviteMessages(userId, messageType);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->getInviteMessages: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
messageType | InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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SentNotification inviteMyselfTo(worldId, instanceId)
Invite Myself To Instance
Sends self an invite to an instance
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String worldId = worldId_example; // String | Must be a valid world ID.
final String instanceId = instanceId_example; // String | Must be a valid instance ID.
try {
final response = api.inviteMyselfTo(worldId, instanceId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->inviteMyselfTo: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
worldId | String | Must be a valid world ID. | |
instanceId | String | Must be a valid instance ID. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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SentNotification inviteUser(userId, inviteRequest)
Invite User
Sends an invite to a user. Returns the Notification of type invite
that was sent.
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final InviteRequest inviteRequest = ; // InviteRequest | Slot number of the Invite Message to use when inviting a user.
try {
final response = api.inviteUser(userId, inviteRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->inviteUser: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
inviteRequest | InviteRequest | Slot number of the Invite Message to use when inviting a user. |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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Notification requestInvite(userId, requestInviteRequest)
Request Invite
Requests an invite from a user. Returns the Notification of type requestInvite
that was sent.
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final RequestInviteRequest requestInviteRequest = ; // RequestInviteRequest | Slot number of the Request Message to use when request an invite.
try {
final response = api.requestInvite(userId, requestInviteRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->requestInvite: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
requestInviteRequest | RequestInviteRequest | Slot number of the Request Message to use when request an invite. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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List resetInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot)
Reset Invite Message
Resets a single Invite Message back to its original message, and then returns a list of all of them. Admin Credentials are required to update messages of other users! Resetting a message respects the rate-limit, so it is not possible to reset within the 60 minutes countdown. Resetting it does however not set the rate-limit to 60 like when editing it. It is possible to edit it right after resetting it. Trying to edit a message before the cooldown timer expires results in a 429 "Too Fast Error". Message type refers to a different collection of messages, used during different types of responses. * message
= Message during a normal invite * response
= Message when replying to a message * request
= Message when requesting an invite * requestResponse
= Message when replying to a request for invite The DELETE endpoint does not have/require any request body.
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final InviteMessageType messageType = ; // InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType.
final int slot = 56; // int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type.
try {
final response = api.resetInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->resetInviteMessage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
messageType | InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType. | |
slot | int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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Notification respondInvite(notificationId, inviteResponse)
Respond Invite
Respond to an invite request by sending a world invite to the requesting user. :notificationId
is the ID of the requesting notification.
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String notificationId = notificationId_example; // String | Must be a valid notification ID.
final InviteResponse inviteResponse = ; // InviteResponse | Slot number of the Response Message to use when responding to a user.
try {
final response = api.respondInvite(notificationId, inviteResponse);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->respondInvite: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
notificationId | String | Must be a valid notification ID. | |
inviteResponse | InviteResponse | Slot number of the Response Message to use when responding to a user. |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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List updateInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot, updateInviteMessageRequest)
Update Invite Message
Updates a single Invite Message and then returns a list of all of them. Admin Credentials are required to update messages of other users! Updating a message automatically sets the cooldown timer to 60 minutes. Trying to edit a message before the cooldown timer expires results in a 429 "Too Fast Error". Message type refers to a different collection of messages, used during different types of responses. * message
= Message during a normal invite * response
= Message when replying to a message * request
= Message when requesting an invite * requestResponse
= Message when replying to a request for invite
import 'package:vrchat_dart_generated/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: authCookie
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('authCookie').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = VrchatDartGenerated().getInviteApi();
final String userId = userId_example; // String | Must be a valid user ID.
final InviteMessageType messageType = ; // InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType.
final int slot = 56; // int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type.
final UpdateInviteMessageRequest updateInviteMessageRequest = ; // UpdateInviteMessageRequest | Message of what to set the invite message to.
try {
final response = api.updateInviteMessage(userId, messageType, slot, updateInviteMessageRequest);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling InviteApi->updateInviteMessage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | Must be a valid user ID. | |
messageType | InviteMessageType | The type of message to fetch, must be a valid InviteMessageType. | |
slot | int | The message slot to fetch of a given message type. | |
updateInviteMessageRequest | UpdateInviteMessageRequest | Message of what to set the invite message to. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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