Misc quick wins
On deploy run
current; be rake cleanup:regenerate_flyers
current; be rake cleanup:set_content_type
current; be rake fix:language
current; be rake fix:storage
Manual tasks after deploy
- Ask Ole and Patrick to manually change Talks language to the correct language. Right now all are set to 'en'.
- Set random color when generating flyer
- Player now also works on Windows
- Introduce Talk language (also available in Podcast)
- A couple of Talk reports (available for developers)
- Better emails
- Protect starts_at and duration in archived Talk to be changed by user
- Length validation on Talk title(140 characters)/teaser(140 characters)/description(2300 characters)
- Some cleanup for a faster application
- Better error messages
- Do not show Guests among participants
- Better unique IDs for guests
Also we started
- writing a conference requirements document
- implementing our own Continous Integration system. A CI system runs all automatic tests after having implemented a new feature. Until recently we used circleci.com, but we cannot use any stock system anymore, because we have specific needs in testing the application that are not in standard web applications.
- writing a watcher for the RTMP service so that we can monitor in the Backoffice Application what kind of streams are going on right now, how many clients are connected and with what bitrate the host is streaming
- hardening security