A GCJ02 and WGS-84 coordinate converter.
Increase the accuracy by control points
Default gcp file’s grid interval is 1 degree. If you want generate new gcp file,please run:
python generate_gcp.py
from pygcj.pygcj import GCJProj
trans = GCJProj()
# wgs84 to gcj
gcj_lat, gcj_lon = trans.wgs_to_gcj(45.2,112.8)
# gcj to wgs84
wgs_lat, wgs_lon = trans.gcj_to_wgs(45.2,112.8)
# gcj to wgs84 and specific threshold(default is 0.000001)
wgs_lat, wgs_lon = trans.gcj_to_wgs(45.2,112.8,0.00000001)
origional: distance mean: 347.554477357 distance stdev: 164.494315519 eviltransform: distance mean: 3.39331251552 distance stdev: 2.6602095071 pygcj.gcj_to_wgs(): distance mean: 0.395794995772 distance stdev: 0.571923075943