Team Retrospective:
An Agile retrospective is a meeting that's held at the end of an iteration in Agile software development (ASD ). During the retrospective, the team reflects on what happened in the iteration and identifies actions for improvement going forward.
What worked well for us? Level 1 and level 2 works as per user requirements. Embedding Observer, Chain of responsibility, State, Factory, Strategy, and composite design patterns resulted in low coupling and high cohesion. Assigning different XP and lean core value to each team member for different weeks, gave us chance to understand each core value's importance. Following agile methodologies with Kanban and Scrum, we were able to track assigned tasks, roadblocks to complete tasks, etc. through GitHub task board, Cumulative flow diagram generated from Kanban task sheet and Burn down chart generated from Sprint task sheet.
What did not work well for us?
Due to lack of knowledge of Phaser framework, we were not able to desing front page to give start and pause.
Phaser provides inbuilt functionality to create javascript file for scenes based on canvas of scene, thus embedding design pattern to such scene.js was difficult task.
We could have added fire power and gave 3 lives to character to make game comparatively more exciting and interactive.
What actions can we take to improve our process going forward? Merging changes in source directory to check "Is snippet working well up on integration with game developed till date?". Further explore Phaser framwork to develope high level game starting page. In next version of game, we can add fire power and give 3 lives to character.