- Switch to api v9.
- Added new recent command.
- Added new osu configurator.
- Made the invite command send a link with slash command support
- Fix serenity examples due to move to songbird
- Removed failure.
- Switched loc with tokei.
- Transitioned mtf
- Switch to api v8.
- Auto-delete spammy messages in music commands.
- Added custom merge algorythms to pride.
- Added songbird to rtfm.
- Added webp support for profile pictures in image manipulation.
- Added remove command.
- Added public eval command.
- Addedd rust playground command.
- Added support for stage channels.
- Added music equalization.
- Alias tr tl to translate.
- Add automated build options to the rust command.
- Added file support for eval and rust.
- Remove the new serenity default prefix.
- Wrong field name on message_delete log.
- Fixed recent scores not sending if user account is too new.
- Replaced block_in_place with spawn_blocking.
- Missing minimum arguments on urban.
- Fixed broken auto-unmute on fail, and fixed message notifications.
- Removed support for builtin emojis on logs.
- Log message structure on command invoke.
- Updated to tokio 1.0.
- Removed racer.
- Updated everything.
- Switched serenity to next branch.
- Switched from OpenSSL to Rustls.
- Photon and Songbird are no longer git.
- Split the main file.
- Fixed all clippy warnings.
- Format with nightly.
- Switched music to Songbird Gateway.
- Updated lavalink-rs to use Songbird.
- Updated serenity to the last v6 commit of the next branch.
- Updated photon-rs.
- Updated twilight on eval.
- Missing webhooks no longer loop yandere posts.
- Fixed empty messages failing to send webhooks on logs.
- Typo on translate.
- Fixed broken skip after the bot leaves and comes back.
- All events now check if the guild wants that event logged.
- Removed (empty) spam from channel logs.
- Fixed deadlock on ping and about when being rate limited.
- nHentai no longer sends an inaccurate error on 404.
- Added missing examples to the serenity commands.
- Switched logging to use webhooks!
- Added submitter and time left to now_playing.
- Removed A LOT of DeadLocks!
- Empty queue no longer sends an empty codeblock.
- Eval no longer deserializes to custom struct.
- Improved code quality some.
- Fixed everyone mention bugs.
- Fixed owners_only macro on teams.
- HTTP Server now doesn't use a clone of cache.
- Fixed BeatmapData to serialize good types.
- Fixed Error handling on twitch notifications.
- Updated RTFM to use the main repo.
- Properly handle messages that are too long for embed fields on logging.
- Logging messages cannot be deleted with reactions.
- Updated Dependencies.
- Added Competing status.
- Added Rust eval command.
- Swaped Translate from Yandex to IBM
- Added cargo-make support.
- Play can now search with youtube-dl
- Moved TODO to Gitlab Boards.
- Added clear_queue command.
- Added basic logging for almost every event.
- Fixed notification loop retriggering on ready
- Replaced sqlx iterators with vectors to fix logging bug on sqlx #599.
- about Now it supports teams.
- chan / idol Fixed incorrect error reported when a tag is missing.
- help Added more information. Restructured the fields.
- play Play time is no longer are twice as long.
- skip Now it stops the current playing song if the queue is empty.
- recent Increased limit from 10 to 50 on pagination.
- eval Switched from discord.py to hikari. Added STDOUT, Return Value and Syntax Error handling.
- Restructured file structure.
- Added message create logging.
- Added message update logging.
- Added CI/CD
- serenity Updated to PR 905
- sqlx-cli Updated to latest version.
- sqlx Updated to latest version with new pool builder.
- serenity-lavalink Updated to the new Serenity PR
- ping Added REST GET latency.
- help Fixed order so it's more cozy.
- uwufy New command. Translates messages to the UWU language.
- dictionary Now it paginates definitions
- nhentai Now it falls back to a previous page in case of failing to fetch.
- skip Added more help to it.
- booru_commands Now they ignore capitalization.
- rtfm / example Updated to the new PR
- parse_member() now doesn't have a mention exploit
- Added ON UPDATE CASCADE to streamer constraints.
- recent Now shows pp.
- permanent_ban New command. Permanently bans a user froma guild.
- picture Fixed help.
- invite Updated the required permissions.
- play/skip Added some aliases.
- configure guild Can now toggle anti-spam
- New system
- Added a simple anti-spam
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated rust nightly to remove depricated code.
- new utils: osu.rs
- new source file: logging.rs
- moved osu! mods module to crate::utils::osu
- restructured checks.
- added Games group.
- re-enabled presence intent.
- mute commands now check for manage_roles permission.
- TicTacToe Rewritten to be more stable.
- Playlist Now accepts playlists without video.
- queue Now only shows a maximum of 10 items. And the total amount of items.
- todo Updated items on the list.
- sauce New command. Attempts to find the source of images.
- behoimi Now it displays images correctly, rather than the big NO sausage.
- temporal_mute New command. Temporarily mutes a member.
- self_temporal_mute New command. Calls temporal_mute on yourself.
- mute New command. Gives the configured mute role to a member.
- selfmute New command. Gives the configured mute role to the invoker.
- configure guild mute_role New command. Configures the muted role on the guild.
- score Now it works with loved maps.
- reminder New command. Reminds you of a message after some specified time.
- osu!top New command. Shows the osu! top plays of a user.
- play Fixed failed search.
- help Now it works again in DMs.
- configure channel notifications Twitch streams can now be removed. YandeRe can now be configured with channel. Twitch can now be configured with webhook. Modified the design of the command.
- calculator Now has a sqrt() function.
- sqlx Switched to master branch. NO MORE 4 HOUR COMPILE TIMES POGCHAMP!!!
- the rest Updated.
- Migrations Implemented migrations.
- web server No longer runs every ready event.
- profile New command. Sends the profile of a user. (not member)
- higher_or_lower Forgot to push the playing cards.
- calculator New command. Just a calculator that takes a query.
- play Now it retries in case of not finding a result.
- removed accidental debug code.
- twitch no longer fails when a streamer doesn't exist.
- higher_or_lower New command. Plays higher or lower.
- rtfm Tried to do something, but failed hard at it lol.
- Added a web server.
- Added a system to know if the bot is in a guild.
- pause/unapuse New command. Pauses or unpauses the player, depending on status.
- configure channel notifications Can now configure new streams.
- stop No longer panics if there's no player.
- urban Added several aliases.
- configure user streamrole Fixed panic due to not having members in cache, due to missing pressence intents.
- example Added keyword event to example 11.
- disabled automatic disconnection from voice chat while i investigate how to fix it.
- disable_command / enable_command New commands. Disables or Enables a command on the guild respectively.
- shuffle New command. Shuffles current queue.
- play_playlist New command. Adds a whole playlist to the queue.
- play / play_playlist Now they automatically join a voice channel when called if they are not in one already.
- define Moved alias from urban to dictionary.
- example New command. Sends you a link to the serenity examples.
- Updated dependencies.
- Dictionary New command. Defines a word.
- ping Added rest latency.
- about Added additional information.
- help Updated the order so it looks better and smaller.
- pride_pre_grayscale New command. Just like pride, but grayscales beforehand. (Useful for dark images)
- Updated serenity, no more cache deadlocks.
- Updated photon-rs, pride now works!
- pride Mostly fixed, it fails in some situations.
- recent Fixed unknown message error when the message gets deleted.
- configure_osu Fixed improper username management.
- osu_profile Fixed pacman not doing well with not long enough decimal points.
- Twitch No longer fails in nonexisting games. Updated to use the new authentication system.
- Heavily improved content safety.
- Blacklisted tagme.
- Notify about nonexisting tags.
- Added a link to the original post.
- Added custom intents.
- play Now it uses serenity-lavalink!
- help, tic_tac_toe, configure channel notifications Fixed deadlock.
- serenity Updated, no longer has
&mut ctx
- the rest Also updated.
- TicTacToe New command. To play tic tac toe with other users.
- python bot no longer spams command not found errors.
- antispam not triggering on the correct messages if the bot can't manage messages.
- fixed 3 panics
- nhentai No longer runs in sfw channels.
- ban / kick Now they can use reasons.
- recent / configure_osu Removed possible mention exploits.
- encrypt / decrypt Changed to an aes algorythm. No longer broken.
- all_boorus Improved tag filter.
- e621 No longer broken on missing url fields.
- configure channel notifications webhook yandere: fixed issue #832 on serenity.
- nHentai New command. Allows you to read nhentai mangas from within discord.
- configure user streamrole: New command, gives you the bound notification role to a streamer.
- sankaku / idol Imrpoved tag filtering.
- yandere Improved tag filtering.
- Updated all dependencies.
- e621 Updated to the new api
- recent Reactions are now exclusive to the command author.
- pi Added pi verification.
- nsfw Added NSFW reaction to message jumps going to nsfw channels.
- Ping X in nsfw! Added easter egg.
- Automatic disconnection in case of being alone.
- all Removed the default prefix from the examples.
- play Fixed some url's obtaining the wrong video.
- translate Fixed invalid language error being unhandled.
- recent Reversed arrow directions.
- gay/pride Prevented decompression bombs.
- Webhooks are optional.
- Added twitch notifications
- Status are now configurable.
- play Now it uses lavalink!
- translate Now it uses yandex!
- eval New command. Evaluates python code. Using discord.py
- osu_profile New command. Sends the osu! profile of a user.
- score New command. Sends your score on a beatmap.
- play New command. Plays the audio from a url.
- join/leave New commands. Joins or Leaves voicechat respectively.
- Replaced tokio-postgres with SQLx
- configure channel notifications New command. Configures the notifications on the channel.
- yande.re Added basic yande.re new post notifications.
- booru_commands Implemented the picture command, that sends a picture from the perffered booru from the user.
- all xml boorus Now they are case insensitive.
- SafeBooru, FurryBooru, RealBooru Reixed file extension...
- grayscale Renamed pride to grayscale.
- ban Fixed api error.
- recent Added pagination back.
- SafeBooru, FurryBooru, RealBooru Fixed file extension.
- Danbooru Fixed gold content.
- encrypt/decrypt New command, but broken.
- SafeBooru / RealBooru Fixed recent api change.
- Added basic logging.
- Fixed linting
- Fixed command prefixes on booru commands.
- duck_duck_go New command. Searches a term on duckduckgo for you.
- reload_db New command. Reloads the database connection. Owner only.
- invite Updated for recent role mention changes.
- configure New subcommand: Guild
New subsubcommand of guild: prefix
Configures the prefix for the guild.
- Implemented custom prefix.
- configure User subcommand > Can now configure a preffered booru
- best_girl, best_boy New command Sends a picture of your best girl or best boy respectively. Configured with .configure
- chan Fixed error handling for invalid requests.
- configure Moved parameters to subcommands. New subcommand: user. User subcommand > Can now configure bestgirl and bestboy
- chan New command.
- DanBooru, HypnoBooru Fixed commands.
- e621 Moved to the list of broken boorus due to an api change.
- idol Url parameters are now parsed properly.
- boorus Changed the source detection system.
- about Added server invite link.
- gray Fixed image quality.
- changelog New command. Sends this file.
- todo Added new items to the list.
- clear New command. Clears X messages.
- toggle_annoy Moved command to config.
- configure New command.
Configures different aspects about the bot.
Moved toggle_annoy to
.config channel annoy
- src/commands/configuration.rs New file.
- prefixes New command. Sends the configured prefixes of the guild.
- about New command. Sends information about the bot.
- src/commands/moderation.rs New file.
- urban Fixed error caused by definitions without examples.
- kick, ban New commands. They Kick or Ban the specified user respectively.
- translate.py New file.
- urban New command. Searches a term in Urban Dictionary.
- translate New command. Translates text into a specific language.
- src/commands/fun.rs New file.
- qr New command. Transforms text into an ASCII qr code.
- boorus.json New file. Contains the availabe boorus and api type.
- configure_osu Fixed help.
- e621, furrybooru, realbooru, r34, safebooru, gelbooru, konachan, yandere New booru commands. Same parameters as idol.
- HypnoHub, DanBooru and Behoimi Broken commands.
- toggle_annoy Added a command to toggle the annoying features of the bot on the invoked channel. Made the annoying features of the bot optional per channel.
- annoyed_channels table New table.
- idol Added tag support. Added flag support. Added basic tag filter.
- README.md Updated configuration needed.
- idol Added a basic api call to the IdolComplex api. TODO: Custom tags and flags.
- pride Added a basic grayscaling command, named pride for future use.
- image
- commands/image_manipulation.rs New file.
- commands/meta.rs New file.
- Ping / Test Moved to new meta.rs file.
- Source / Invite New commands. One to get the gitlab link to the bot, the other to get the bot invite link.
- recent Paginated recent command, took a while monkaS
Added a description for the help command. - configure_osu Moved description from decorator to docstring.
- recent Added recent command for osu!
- test Made owner only.
- help Updated embed colors.
- bitflags
- num-format
- configure_osu Added command && Implemented basic database and argument reading.
- toml
- postgres
- updated serenity features to allow compilation on the Raspberry PI 3B.
- Moved tokens from env_vars to tokens.toml
- safebooru Moved from the json api to xml.
utils Implemented basic_functions module to have basic utility functions.
commands Renamed Cogs to Commands.
- safebooru Modified to send an embed for the image.
- Changed the NSFW group to only have
Just a basic bot with Ping and a Safebooru command.