The Embeddinator-4000 project covers a number of languages (Objective-C, Java, C) and is made up of a number of different components.
The most major current distinction is between the Android/C generators and Objective-C generator. Currently these areas are quite distinct, with different folders and projects, without a lot of overlap. Future work is planned to harmonize the differences where possible.
- Embeddinator-4000.sln is the top solution which contains all Embeddinator projects.
- build/projects/Embeddinator-4000.csproj contains the Java and C backends and is interally called "binder" in a number of build files.
- objcgen/objcgen.csproj contains the Objective-C backend and is exposed as the objcgen tool.
Here is a high level description of what each folder contains:
- binder - Android/C backend code
- build - Cake build files and projects used primariy for Android/C.
- nuget generation is here as well, and shared by all platforms.
- docs - Temporary - External user facing documentation. This will move to soon.
- external - External libraries used, pulled in as submodules, which include:
- IKVM - Used by Objective-C backend
- CppSharp - Used by Android/C backend
- objcgen - Makefiles and code for the Objective-C backend
- packages - External libraries used, pulled in as nugets, which include:
- Mono.Cecil - Used by Java/C backend
- NUnit - Powering unit tests
- A large number of Xamarin.Android support libraries used by Java backend, primarily in tests.
- samples - A handful of samples libraries showing use of Embeddinator
- support - Native (Objective-C, Java, and C) headers and files consumed by the generated bindings
- tests - Automated test suite described in more detail here here.
- tools - Developer scripts and internal tooling