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065 JAB18 Using Joomla Component Builder

Llewellyn van der Merwe edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 12 revisions

Person could use in trying to create extensions Things you can interact on social media with any of these items with I've gotta love I'm not gonna read them out Top Gear So I'm gonna tell a bit of what's out there because there's more Solutions than June not components Builder why you say to her that I'm focusing on the Joomla component builder itself and You have a nice giveaway at the end of the session So why use it too little What are there We are component create I think that's about it well-known extension by the or esteemed Joomla Sharon it's such a size solution it's closed source Is freeware one table you have to pay subscription This is wonderful to All That Put on job since 2015 or even earlier Tubidy Which is actually a model driven Also it actually abstracts your ideas and then generates a code out of it meaning you could A theory create a Joomla a Drupal or a WordPress website go 4 if that's nice plugins for app store money clips if you gave it a stop it Now I also has a workout after it has some basic reverse engineering staff Theoretically you theoretically you can feed it any extension and it should be able to make model I am 4 size the theoretical part because I think there's quite some limitations for that to actually work What is over 16 developers are the back of the room and You can't travel back in time but you could have seen their session And is this Joomla component Builder a very unknown Tool What it has its own characteristics tumor component be able what is a component that you logged in Enter your website It actually is on your platform it builds the component for your You in your fat form so you don't you're not dependent on any SA Solution whatsoever And the doors actually used to build itself So the model that is used as they refer to themselves as the nap Joomla component that's rather you have the cool Wii interaction and stuff that Used to generate its own coat The compatible with the compiled source is open source Component but that's gonna change however Even at this point in time there is no licence costs and I know limitations So how's component creator allows you to create a component based on one table yeah you can't do Dad There still doesn't have any Annotations Play me stop by Asking you what are the challenges that you see when you Lie before start with the question who created components or has created the wrong components in the past Ok that's quite a lot of People so what are the challenges that juicy In That's so let me start with my esteemed colleagues even picked her life specially want to thank Funding for the promise to do that so what's Why you create a new component That will be Yeah And you're not lazy you want to Cut Riddle That for a petition Ok Hey buddy I say remarks at people thank you very much thank you thank you Anybody else have something Where does it they're on their on their due to correct them yeah I miss that changes because of the things that you do yourself ours changes that standby too much Whatever Change it and then have to change Anybody want to add something Yes Yeah You can really quickly create a basic Something special Ok ok have some rice some of the Things that annoy me and doing that stuff that's a boilerplate What he was referring to setting up the directory structure creating all the crap files now Stores that will help you with that bitch be storm but still it's tedious work and you have to wash the car Capitalisation of the names and the slots of naming conventions And really I'm lazy And you saying that it all can do for me I'm very happy with I also like Do you stop Obviously if you've already create a lot of extensions then you can reuse previous word back copy pasting But Yeah you want to rename it so there's some work involved you might want to reuse Other people's work Maybe somebody pray there's something lies inside and obviously use libraries in general Contain Us truck sales There's a lot of stuff in July that we all Love I think But you still have to do some stuff By yourself and your own component if you want to have away make that work being multilingual Support Having four of groups Access control structure Adding history to your Components used just as with article so that you can see you who changed what and what time Custom fields All support that and obviously the tools out there have their limitations at the beer cost Biut the licensing scheme Opiate the skills required And Advanced items I would say ok can you extend that tool Easily to Accommodate new features So should that be a Workflow extension to Joomla How is it can you add up to your own component Tools should a theory be able to Add that without bothering you with Order Lady Grey details Can you do reverse engineering Tubidy is a tool that can do that Imposter that's ok But To me more pointy is the roundtrip development in a mansion Typically a little when you start you have their school while you can easily click the Gatherer table and use and stuff like that You were exported to cut your component then you start working on it As soon as you realise that you missed a field or whatever something you're screwed She can't go back to that nice graphical model then you have to delve into it Robin I wanna do something That I fell you Collaborative development Working together on a single component with not with multiple people and that same model Those were things that I would like to see In a tool that supports my workflow Handsome Juma component Builder And specifically Version 297 that's the Latest and current version So anything I'm telling you protected this version not the rodeo version so If you want to check it out check this version out that's the latest Galleria Mall So there is this Link to a component welder on ww3 Mio What is presentation will be available you will not need to copy at all It's only if stanchions directory Unfortunately in this talk We can't bought scratch The surface so what I wrote to Convey in the Starke Ayres Bad I thought on the ideas if I could do that that will be fine still you would need to doubt To this Hey yourself To cut into the details 40 Days Quite song Documentation in the form of videos Doesn't Dozen dozen so far was a video Which doesn't make for the easiest in Looking up stuff but it does make is if you win just sitting in your own couch and streaming YouTube Videos to your TV on Soccer10 Yeah we must write a server so you would really need to have a deep will look afterwards to see How to do staff party resonate with you in what you can do because I'm How to convert data please Then you're in for a real treat That is go back Because Contact why I started this is because my son wanted to have a website And children are like any customers It's really easy Nothing complex I just want And this Casey wants to wanted to create a website with Disney characters and the autographs and stuff like that That's all you wanted Wealth Easy will do that with Fields custom fields 2 days in and require but I want to list and parades and I want to do this and I want to do that Not gonna happen so I introduce them to this Tool And He made it happen and he was able while he's not dumb for her is actually quite intelligent so What is not a diehard programmer Body could make it happen with some out now I must say that When we started Yeah the word worms The number of resources were limited to how fast are the world videos Something's wrong clear Over the last few months I've been an extensive contact with a developer Llewelyn And order my sis Opened up to the idea of a number of challenges that we see And you will see in the giveaways at the Antwerp that Result of them And that will actually really help you in Getting started If you look at Computer builder I think the first thing that you will see you as the dashboard Aberdare control panel Wiki Notice board Is marketing a lynx But most importantly for you that says Wiki With Yeah you find in Find all the tutorials all day Links to the YouTube videos so once you install the component Builder You got access about 2 that just by looking at The wiki So far so it's there is a next person legally sleep because it's Yeah it's part of open source Not structured in terms of technical documentation whilst Videos are indexed in terms of time stands and say he is talking about this year's talking about that Still it's Disability is limited There's a 4 on the way you can do Crush and allowances And there's a lot of you so you can directly access that list of videos to YouTube channel to look at Stuff So if you look at the weakness of planning and you will hit this is a sample of the Video on field times at us ok at the 1 minute and 5 we're talking about create field 5 IPhone error 57 issue It hurts but it's not Perfect So let's not talk about The word for what does it take And what's possible in creating component I put together this Diagram which is simplified These are the topics we are called to touch upon so we have to add the components that's the stuff that you want to build The field types fields We have peaceful code that sweetie custom code to yourself We have a dynamic at the fuel issue I can few customers you Stuff that has to do with interacting with the data Off your model controller Salivary song graphical stuff I will touch on each of these items So Last Thoughts on the components for applicator Diagram So this is what you see when you Look and added a Component These are the types you have cycle through him so well yeah your details tab where you can setup The name the first name Do stuff with debugging line numbers yeah anything Rachel you related to a Component We have a suffix manual Why you can configure that thing more in depth You see the list the reference to the administered if you decide to use Chris Matthews Wfo I'll deal with it later Libraries and helpers The dashboard where you can create a custom dashboard for your extension with icons and stuff like that MySQL data The ReadMe file widget weekly that gets Exported with your Extension And as Dynamic integration I'll start from that after Last time of the year Presentation So How do we build a component The component How Michael come as a surprise we have field types I we have Feels So feel tight so basically the things that we know a lot from Juma There's a calendar category checkbox check boxes colour Anything like that so That's the upside definition of something that you would want to Create You could Add your own Filter type 2 that These types And tells her the fields are share between all your Components So you don't that's where you get part of the reuse of You create a month and then if you've got a very specific field for a specific action Some kind of zip codes address validator thingee Ukulele teacher And then you can setup Feels I'm so sorry institutions of field types You can create your own Fields you can pay special for us with that again it's validation Stuff like that and the feels are the stuff that Eventually will underpin the database And the tables Private so now nothing is stored it Just abstract You can set up your bespoke Fields so stuff that you Like the sound so dusted the type value that it has you can assign icons And I should come in for here You can have a lot of attributes to And if you just about anything that you would Like You can add extra properties Here Hey you can Can you see And That's what we coming to wear this Dave this is in this field in which views It's used Interview series in admin view preacher and admin view sermons That's of the installed applications that I have Information on the Attributes used to filter so there's a lot of stuff That you can configure per field type To set it up You and Bob Marley right gonna be sore The views it was used in and That's where it gets tangible so once you set up your field types Are your fields If you at least need new ones that are not be filled with the tool You're gonna set up your views and I think you're familiar with the list use and the item hues List users why you got your tabular tabular display of multiple items I like them he was a typical View of one of those Items so that's the item View Components Builder it seduces Elsa Wyk Austin View Which is used to like for reporting where you can do graphing or anything special that's no Necessarily in the realm of a I can feel Itself or lest you So these fields are the stuff that's gonna get Added to the database You can have all kinds of conditions in the view For that You can add buttons to if you Not much understand what's if I commit bye Any other accidents And there's a plethora of options to hook into your Cold sore Adding an Ajax Jackal App that's wrong on the cut item so when you have a singular item At the beach before back at speed beach before After publishing Before deleting Post safe mouth For the list query so you could say Read data from the database and manipulate it Too short and the different forms or if you have Numeric presentation of whatever attribute you could change that then to display as and I can or What you would wish Lots of options Yeah and it covers a lot of Items already So they said they talked into BIOS version if you only get to do if you would also it tomorrow and controller At last part you saw something about the MySQL so you can act and MySQL done to initialise That table on her installation And as the usual staff regarding publishing Affirmations that we all know from Honey Standerton life But that also means that At this level you The entire workflow in component Builder you can at the same restrictions to As we had fun over component so you can have some people in some groups have the right to Create fields on Not create Fields create tables Anything But you would well So we here we have The Linksfield to feel that are linked to that table so that's a view of it so ANOVA you can say ok is is suitable Can I search it So you can turn it on and off Where does it show when it up So not everything shows in long how does it Order What's with the formations that's not here but late areas All over you and you can add it each Item from here so you can have at the attributes of how you behave in a listview or in an item View To your house is higher He has an opinion that I shouldn't be more than 60 fields in And happens you yeah Not Unrealistic You can also add conditions Tour field When it's supposed to be shown On which circumstances so that you can have a More Clean display And that's all Draws back in in one building all this time that you wanna mechanisms That we are video files to show or hide or show all How to delete a sent an email but you can show on Something of another field in the XML file So That in basic golfers Of you and the staff that we have in the Table Now you want to Free sure why's that It allows Dumping as a it's cold I have a buddy recognise this structure where you have to default PSP feel that your side to you And then you can split it up in Separate parts and make it more readable And those are called the tablets Tablets that you can use in different Bass shoes Sitefusion To set up your And there's no shame to Add Layouts The best leader But you know how to set them up through the week and then you can write for some Ganja Usual way Point being that he gives you access to all of these Items that typically are Normally call Furthermore we are the options to add libraries Global Apple Standard support staff for Bootstrap 4 UI kit I'm a number of libraries what if you have heard of a framework that you like for JavaScript You can find out for that future with noted in And it's reference I need to worry about it It's just an example of how it looks like Carel The type Yes No probably got depends on what you're our you can provide here so I think in this case is gay 300 blah blah blah blah for that fashion Off Your created component So once you bring out the new component new version Your coat Check if there's new version if you like it Put it in here and generator Capone and the Gang What Santa's here just answer as a piece of code And unloading the data but it said we enter face to ensure that it gets on all the pages that This reference Filegooi Depending on the cloud CDN So it gets it from there so it will just be a reference in the code to load it from there but there's nothing Calling you back to actually set it up locally Change the URL here and then Tweak it Whatever you aware you want which one to Now we had a very basic Table Fuel that's one table But YTS At least not our typically my components work Because we have Want to enroll and relations in decomposed on normalise in your data So you would want to be able to Combine that Interview And that's why I did Dynamic cut That I'm a cat has two basic tabs Filter I hope it's better we'll and here you can see where it says access level ID Age of access Webster I said actually knows about the access level Of the user Answers we have a access level in there in that table Offered at element Is ensure that it'll only show So anyway you can Restrict access Stuff you can Have where filtering where you can say Oki Only want the published ones You can Sort it Are you can even set Global stats you can use in your code while Scrolls is not the best practice but Pay Here you can do a lot of Things in Extending your data filtering it's you can add At search For it by Here addressing the search Elements from the post Anime ensure that you feel her on that so Sorry powerful There's all gas translated into Basic database libratone typically it's MySQL queries And all the aspects of vs How to Create relationships because having one table Probably we first two other tables And that's why I did Is called a joint But Now you see your K series single SB during a series equal Yeah you find your joining queries between your tables Socket for that you You got 1 combined table That's also all the information To be displayed Richard and Australia Powerful Now define dynamically you can add them yes you can So there's no actual limitation Do it this will just Translate 1 to 1 in MySQL stuff Yes this is a repeatable field you can an add in as many as you want them You can make any kind of yes Yes Left and right join in a drawing of the train To understand that combination with being able to Join tables At the filtering That's an awful lot you can already do A database level Watch can't do a database for you can do at the PHP level where is salt Get list items you could do with some stuff there So the options are Forcefully Limitless Custom code Not to be Cause your S4 code There is some options to have What is called customer code in the code snippets that you are defining and The Crossing Could be Micros So it's a certain replaced thing you define Snippets I'm by Adding this in an axle piece of Cold at all Pattern that larger piece of code so that you don't need to Record your dad if you ID Every time You can also pass values to that Sample of gold special it's going down the function So that's just a centralised or code Functions At 11 Done Ok this should have been the bespoke old not the postal code Because that's To me that's The Unicorn Fin of this Component builder and this is what got me Interested in it There's a lot of options in there Part For whatever reason I always end up wanting to change something that can't be changed Directly And the Khoi That's why I this Computer component builder excels I think Because it will allow you to Add codes or change code anywhere In your compile component The only limitation is that you have to Atom Structure on that are commenting on that so that it can be found so that's in syrup type like this I'm in the southern anything in between there Will be inserted The beauty of it if you do that The Build It wall the last track these pieces of gold And the next time around to build it it will re insert them So you will Be able to change staff at any location be it and PHP or HTML And Haven't be imported So that would for example mean if you now have a 3.8 components Which has a shortened file layout structure at satellite setup If In a few months time That is a version that can build 4 To my 40 Your changes will be port In the relevant files in other locations I will need worry about it It will just build With your cross and changes what that 4 to 4 Photos Familiar Jumma for has a slightly Was it works with Joomla 3 The directory structure and file structure That's not the best practice the best practices Baffles of Shuffle around a little bit Anybody wants to know just ask George You'll be happy to tell you about it I see there is a List of the number a number of stuff so you can set it so if this or replace a piece of it Cheston cold And So when it so you see what happens when it gets Added back in the Gang Awesome tag so that it can do with homework and actually knows Piece of soap price change that what Location So guess what really what got me a sushi ask about this tool because this is not something I've seen Before And it'll allow for Roundtrip development Where did and going Modify to your accent you can already modify lot in the component build of itself If not you can take it anywhere else And it will be sucked in again And then if you want to add a new Database table in new few extra columns I will take care of that it will create associated a bit Script for the MySQL databases Everything Some stuff needs to be compiled This is A bit what you can see when it gets compiled So You select your component In this case I've got component build a swimming distributor question and answers Damelin download fonts CK one of them and hit the compile button Cut it Once it's done it make some assumptions assumptions about the time you saved It's almost time to have released Cat sounds that you actually save time because she didn't have to create the Directory structure Nothing like that I want to compile you can Click on this one to install the mediately or you download it Are you Reference what I forgot And if you have it somewhere else Ryan you can use this You're out or pass depending on where it is Now you could if you have one development site is easy to run component over And because every package can be exported An important in an office site Without problems There is a option to if you have a commercial component to have faith in cryptids Security So that it only can be installed if you have that key Watching like this in Waterberg Yeah Started with some misc stuff you'll find someone sounds for example in there that And he calls recital was really a nice one that adds deals with Drag and drop off loading with all kinds of Filtering on content type security looking at Wits PDF Filesize resizing images There's a very complex example there on how to use that with ACL so that only short and glue People can't do that Yes very Interested Another thing that Probably Renee also would like to see is that there is a sorry I would say I know you but I know most of the people in the room so sorry So familiar Collaborative workflow If you work on so you can work on there Sing Installation What time you deal with the normal July Problems of locking up Joe article And I'm your door was locked and somebody else cannot work with it What does actually So you can't do stuff so what time of day is There's actually a workflow setup while you can do Multiple developers work on their local insulation Where the changes get merch Using git So you can have a collaborative What's on that So the map components Versions in your home kids stuff There's a community components that you were saying were floor or similar workflow As a similar way for a thing we have The Upstream repository So you thought out in your local Theatre you Clone it to your local development and Farmer You make changes to 4 simple question and answers component You set up your upstream And I knew Push it and make a pull request and then Pull request me on me not that accept it And then you can download the new passion and also component again but that works ok you can also setup locally Now for the giveaways So until today are actually until the start of this presentation Freedom That's the company for of Llewellyn Salt the map components Packages So The question-and-answer modules Bugatti 94 dollars The Sermon distributor Because your 46 stars And The big thing The component builder so the thing that We are talking about which bills itself would such a half 800 dollars Totalling over a thousand dollars which is a lot of Money I was in the last months talking to you welwyn and he he talking to his team It was a big change in his attitude and giving back So anybody that here If you use this link Take time to take pictures outside So you can fetch time I meant this presentation this one Why you can Hit me later if you need it All that date you can get these three packages You pay If you open at page now you will see that you can access these and you Can get the keys the only thing To be eligible for the keys is that you are like that you star share After February 4th The respective components If you have a public email address you we should get some Turkey Automatically show public email address in get that publicly accessible If not You can claim Yorkie on this page So You can get The summon distributor of the question and answers and the tube the component of itself Watch watch for start And you got notified if you have a public email address and get That is very easy at the age of You got to the components you can import the package is here Sowetan Import acb packages that you can They were blessed No need to search for them you can also see that you can export packages And then you got something Like this Where are you at the key that you got this tribute it And this is what shows when you Progress so I got component build up a door lock that it's installed Hear Costa All the extensions I've got a little preparation cutting these Affront So I'm sure I have keys but don't ask me for fees I will not give them There's a perfectly simple way to cut them Just start for share And you got your own tea I was that I want to say you just thanks a shout out to You unfollow Marilyn Hussar in Africa Honey shorter look this back Any questions Obvious It's a lot to take a knife and try I actually don't know I know he has his But I don't know how to space company is the Picture of the office building is huge office building but I don't think he owns It Off This is a huge thing I guess you didn't click this I don't know Know how you feel came across it before and that's actually how Circuit my son to use it I actually heard of it here's back but to me it's a bit like to myself I heard about it but only when I saw that it started to be multilingual and that access control I got interested And the thing that got me interested in here is the fact that I can do modification in any location Component I have no limitations on that and I can still do wrong trip retirement By giving back obviously you're well hope someone's Everybody to contribute as so that we He can extend this even further And I've already started to talk with my friend from the gym Didi To see if there's maybe that's Common Ground because I also very much like their idea about having model 3 Devourment Don't know how to beat it yet but since it's now going to be open source two ways Yorkshire Nexus And that's really exciting to me Yeah you could use it but you couldn't change it and Free free Are you could use it for free but you could you couldn't have the map the bone and so the one that builds itself and change And you wouldn't have the Example components example components so that you could look how does he do this how do I Filter how does he do this And something Yeah but starting today you are two example components that Will really help you on the lips that I struggled in finding things out And you have a tumor component builderware I hope that the community will take it up Ok Tyson Sorry signal that it's young Thank you Janice If there's any more questions just Ask me when I'm moving around

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