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021 Tweaking MySQL Demo Data
Hi We wanna look at MySQL tweaking In the component area It's open a component go to settings And then there is MySQL tweak What is this able to do is if you have multiple versions of a component 00:00:18 And Partly you have demo that relates to a certain version of it and Implementation of Items And In another version you don't want those items that you know included We have this MySQL tweak area Where you can actually First you've select that specific View That you 00:00:43 Want to tweak And do note that you can only make use of this feature If you're actually using the This Area Where we actually add Database Connection between The View Dummy data And view itself So let me quickly show you what I mean 00:01:07 So here I have opened field types which is one of component Builders own views And I have it connected To my Database Through this MySQL I added yes I selected table And then I selected The field types In my Database And basically Just let it all be taken into the build file And 00:01:33 Now Since you know that some of the versions that we distribute with component Builder Doesn't have all the field types in it And it's a limited To only a certain few field types So to show you how that was done I will go back to That tweaking Feature So here I have component builder open And if I go to settings 00:01:57 And I go to this tweak feature It's see that I have Added Values here and certain of them like custom admin I said no don't Include non no Add MySQL to view Table if set in the view 00:02:19 So if the if the in the view if you have the MySQL selected you can through this feature Control which items actual IDs Should be Included like in the admin view I'm only including these two ids From my Database And so it's the ids in the admin table admin view Table And I'm also saying that it's ID based You have the feature of 00:02:46 Just including all And then you have id based So it's a A way to say what you want here You can also if you are using ids between let say 1 and 50 Then you can use this arrow Notation with an equals Open open bracket there to know take between 1 and like here 500 You want to add 00:03:15 And You can actually Do it quite simply with one two three and then Comma Ok here I'm explaining it nicely it says 1234 or 124 And then you can put a comma and then 20 And then another comma and then 40 to 90 so you can in the same comma Delimited list You can add this notation 00:03:41 To show that we need to include 1 to 4 And is immediately after it Add 20 and we will Grab all that Ids and In fact it illuminate any other ids and only use the ones that you have Actually notated So here is another Good example of Using 1 4 2399 00:04:08 So goes on in here We going from 597 to 604 682 - 68 4 And it's in the same comma delimited list And we saying is it's id based and we say include these So that is That is partly what I'm having why why this is here what it can be used for So you not including dummy data or example data in your component build structure Then this area is really redundant and you don't need to even use it all 00:04:46 You can just ignore it system ignores it as if it doesn't exist If there isn't any Data selected Well that is some tweaking feature In component Builders component area That helps you Manage your Dummy data between Versions in In your applications Thank you for watching.
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