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012 Component FTP and more
Next in the component view we are gonna add the ReadMe script to a component The reaper script is commonly used as the components Homepage sort of so if you were to go to get out for That's open we're on the demo components page Get up and you'll see that it has this nice image here and it Details and some layout This one is done with the ReadMe file so it's with this file here we can open That had a look at the Roar And here you can see the It's basically the same text this we looking at previously So inside of component Builder you can add this ReadMe and repeat text and This is basically placeholders Now I know that that is part of the markup for a header so You need to Know no better Mark Sorry not more Cup knockout Do you know what is placeholders and what is not That is why I added The Script so you can sort of get an idea of everything that are placeholders And the space holders are Automatically updated from the details that are in these Fields here so So you can see The the actual placeholders Names it's nice so if you change the version here You are updated there Automatically So that is just read me file Video a place for you to give a lot of information to those who are using Your Application Maybe you can add some links to it or you could Some links to help menus ribbon instructions on installing it Error anything else that you'd like to share through the ReadMe file I would ask if it's if it's not too much for you you know for you to leave this area this commenting More people using component builder the more in valve with an accumulator Others getting Restraining set Help us to sustain this project So That and it will certainly be helpful Compulsory If you want to And then if you wanna know more about market mark Down Then you can open this link here And it shows you the Set of a cheat sheet of everything that you can do Ok so that is looking at the ReadMe area Is admin View area And the site View area Should be seen as a place where you can create new admin Have used you realise that if you create a new admin view it's not necessarily linked to this You need to still link it in hearing settings there happened you This is more a place to create admin user Or to edit existing at the news that are linked to this component Same goes with the side views so it's simply a way for you to to gain access to editing Views that already linked to this application easily And then the third one 4 actually 24 You want to look at is the FTP server that has basically been added to Give you a hand in moving this application this component Do your server and also add the feature of that automated updating that is inside So the update server Is actually a Gmail icon set And if you open a component So I'll open Salmon distributor France And we look at the XML file of this component Component builder obviously built this whole file for you But at the very bottom You see that there is a App updates server That is being added Now this is not add it if you Have not Set the service was set to know It will not be adding an update server if you add this Then you can set the link To where the update server is Uno gonna be hosted And it will automatically take that link An added into your XML file like And Bat file itself Component Builder Can also build that file for you The way does it Is that This obviously Suit look like that host = hostname And port = port Enter enter And Auction bracket type = FTP binary FTP binary You're usually is 15 That is the the default value FTP binary Where is that would usually be 21 and that would usually be 5th Steam then add username and ID and a password Now this FTP details should actually login directly To this folder that you have a beer this updates folder Ok So that basically all component does is it logged into your server move this file in there And this information is what will make it possible for him to do that Same goes with the sale server the sails server usually Would be Very much the same concept You're Simply be adding the same kind of string here except usually the The update server and the sails server is not the same place The update server let's the user know that there is an update where is the sales service actually wear this component Zip file will be stored on your server so you have something like whmcs Or Another Component through which you are selling your extensions are you can Use the folder in on your server which it's looking for the files You can use that folder in a great an FTP Account to that folder and then sent that beat In this field here And then Component Builder on the moment that you could compile It has a An option here it says add backup folder and save it sales server Yes and if you compile it now It will move The zip file to yourself server as well as creating a backup now the backup and the gift for Folder is actually set up in your components Global options so we We haven't really spoken much about the global options let us open now here We saw in this area here That it says that this field is encrypted now in component builder if you go to Global Settings it says Encryption settings in in here You would add a your own key I wish it will improve once you've added this key You shouldn't change it because it will obviously not be able to decrypt Because it's used to encrypt and as well to decrypt The data so if you well that just means everything that's been improved it is now needs to To be redone which in this case is is gonna be these these login Information is FTP login information That's this is the basic encryption bits we spoke of on talk about storing types you got basic and clips This is the basic encryption way Basically having such a All day basically Then you have files here folder paths These two words for the passport compile a folder and customer for their II would leave them So now they do buggy I haven't fully managed to achieve them being Flexible remove them at this stage is difficult Phone number of reasons for now I would suggest you just leave them blank But here you would add a backup folder And this obviously should be related to the root of your server So As well as a git folder And get Fallout with me where component builder create a folder with all the compound Files without zipping them And then you can go to that father and create a kit Create a git repository there And from that folder you can push to get up Or any other git server Respectively So basically it's able to create a folder from which you can do get up or any other kind of Repository work Which are separate from your backup folder and also separate from the temple for that in which Compounds the component so you can move it out of your Joomla install basically And that's what these for the price of 4 So when you do in the compiling of the component it does that get repository it won't delete If the Dot get files we folder it will just replace all the data files in it Basically first remove the old ones then add the new ones and get obviously we'll see that Only the files that is been changed it will notice and those who you need to do a recruitment To get it into your repository obviously if you don't get it then possibly this this There's some great courses as well about get on lynda.com as well as you do So you can just go look at those ok so that's a backup folder And the sales over the same goes here this FTP Today in chills superheater direct folder in which these are zip files should be stored Unfortunately component builder cannot Storing and subfolders at this point so the FTP details he will just log into that FTP And in that vary for the which year is which she has the access to put the file there So no subfolders or Other folders the FTP details should be going directly to the folder now In the component builder I was thinking just for your own Peace of mind if you look in component builder so AB in the backend components component builder and then Help is there is a file called compiler if you open that file You would see that we have a function year built me and here's all the place holders But you can use in the book me file and will be replaced with the relative information And then there is a function here called move file to FTP server This move file to FTP server calls another function called Where is it get FTP now get FTP is this function here And basically it takes the signature checks whether we are ready made such a connection before And then loads that object But here basically I'm using this parse string function Deposit the string into the variables so all the Variables in that string is converted to erase all variables respectively And that then is used to actually make use of To malazi own client FTP class so if you wanna know where that is you can NetBeans you take control spacebar and it shows you it's in libraries you were like lions DB PHP that's where the file is you click there open at 12 Basically using built-in FTP client and we passing the host the party of Username password and making a connection and then we sending that off To do this move file which then basically takes the file com To the server So that's just We own piece of Being licked It's All handled right here Follow it's Relations Server as well Sales server The other thing that I know is quite in Important Is this update server Is an XML file And this XML file Basically build Virgins And download link So Like I explained to you in a previous video There is this reality that while you are developing Your users Scuze me wouldn't need Any Change Updates when The moment you put your Immediately uni YouTube Consider When you make it change How will you use To have changed And the biggest changes you can Is adding new For adding me Fields To the component And so that makes it a little hard Remind explain previously With the history compare We've done scripting to That prob But You also need to think about So we created this Virgin Which Gives you the ability To actually add sequels Scripting Which needs to be executed Now the way for you to think about this If you have a new version that's a 1 Point Then and now you know that there needs to be a table alteration Obviously you need to know see if MySQL commands To do that I'm not gonna teach you that you just Need to put that MySQL command in here according to the gym like conventions which me The table name must have that hash underscore underscore in front of it and do my wall Begin the prefix so you might just simply what do a mice Sequel script here but if you are making a change and the new releases 1.2.9 And 1.0 Didn't have that Specific field of view Then you must realise that You're updating this one and The update must be placed Diversion we Needs So if you make it change don't put it here Because it won't Update correctly You need to put the update Urgent And then over here You would put the link To the respective Downloads Ok so Mike here we had Virgin 2 point 9 And then we had virgin 0 And We are at the 1 Point Using GitHub as my Platform of the You could use any URL And these your owls is what will be used In your updates Server So the update server If I was to open that for us Link You see that it has this You are out here for And as we move on it 3 And so it's getting these DSD Details It is getting them From This version State area And so the last version in this List 2 Must be the same Is the one that you That is So that it will know ok now we are at the current version And it Ok so that is Basically All the concepts that would be The necessary code To cover Regarding the Component Area We've looked at We will again look at site views and Well as your custom And we will possibly Going to mod It's about this Briefly spoke about Butter Most bought that Steel Component Area And all it's nice Features Obviously it all stacks upon Bonnie Tyler from Fields than the app Views And if you have come this far Set your component Added some You are now ready to Start building Siberia Which You wouldn't be able to To really do effective It is really nice First to the And then Thank you for watching
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