Instructions are created using Anaconda Navigator GUI
Install Anaconda / Miniconda on your machine
Documentation Link :
If you already use conda env than you can skip this part
Create your virtualenv with Python 3.8.16
Tested with
python 3.8.16
, May work on other python versions -
Install Osmium
Click on your newly created venv
Search for Not installed libraries and Find Osmium-tool & Install, If it is not available You may need to update Channels and add
Install Osmsg
Launch the terminal, Open Anaconda3 Prompt from Start bar or click on this icon to open terminal or You can open your cmd and activate your venv with
conda activate yourvenv_name
- Hit following command once promot appears , make sure it has your virtualenv name on left corner of terminal
pip install osmsg
- Navigate to your dir where you want to generate stats and start right away , see the help or follow readme for instruction
osmsg -h
- For eg : Test stats for last hour
osmsg --last_hour --changeset --charts
- Once it is Done , Navigate to your dir with your Windows explorer where you produced stats you should find your desired stat files