diff --git a/cohost/models/project.py b/cohost/models/project.py
index 44bdfb8..cfe3962 100644
--- a/cohost/models/project.py
+++ b/cohost/models/project.py
@@ -105,6 +105,16 @@ def getPosts(self, page=0) -> list:
posts.append(Post(post, self))
return posts
+ def ask(self, content, sourceProject, anon=False):
+ from cohost.models.project import EditableProject
+ if type(sourceProject) != EditableProject:
+ raise TypeError("sourceProject must be an editable project")
+ sourceProject = sourceProject # EditableProject
+ fetchTrpc('asks.send', sourceProject.user.cookie, {
+ "toProjectHandle": self.handle,
+ "content": content,
+ "anon": anon}, methodType='postjson')
class EditableProject(Project):
def __init__(self, user, projectId):
diff --git a/cohost/network.py b/cohost/network.py
index f425458..a0d9cf6 100644
--- a/cohost/network.py
+++ b/cohost/network.py
@@ -80,13 +80,15 @@ def fetchTrpc(methods: list, cookie: str,
m = methods
m = ','.join(methods)
- cacheData = get_cache_data(cookie, m)
- if cacheData is not None:
- logger.debug('Cache hit!')
- return cacheData
+ if methodType == "get":
+ cacheData = get_cache_data(cookie, m)
+ if cacheData is not None:
+ logger.debug('Cache hit!')
+ return cacheData
data = fetch(methodType, "/trpc/{}".format(m), data=data,
- set_cache_data(cookie, m, data)
+ if methodType == "get":
+ set_cache_data(cookie, m, data)
return data
diff --git a/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.png b/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b374b12
Binary files /dev/null and b/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.png differ
diff --git a/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.py b/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe4473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/releaseNotes/0.3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import os
+from cohost.models.user import User
+from cohost.models.block import AttachmentBlock, MarkdownBlock
+def generateWarningNote(message: str, title = "Heads up! :eggbug-pleading:"):
+ # stolen from https://cohost.org/aristurtle/post/176671-admonitions-on-cohos
+ return """
""".format(title, message)
+def generateDangerNote(message: str, title = "Danger! :eggbug-shocked:"):
+ # stolen from https://cohost.org/aristurtle/post/176671-admonitions-on-cohos
+ return """""".format(title, message)
+def main():
+ username = os.environ.get('cohostUser')
+ password = os.environ.get('cohostPass')
+ handle = os.environ.get('cohostHandle')
+ if username is None:
+ username = input('username: ')
+ if password is None:
+ password = input('password: ')
+ if handle is None:
+ handle = input('handle: ')
+ blocks = [
+ AttachmentBlock("0.3.png", alt_text="Two python-eggbugs photoshopped ontop of the two sickos from the sickos meme.\
+ Labels say \"Sicko to sicko communication\" and \"Sicko to sicko conversation\""),
+ MarkdownBlock('cohost.py 0.3 is out!!
+ MarkdownBlock('this update contains the ability to send other pages asks via the API. reading your asks is not yet supported, but, is coming soon(TM)'),
+ MarkdownBlock('as always you can install cohost.py with `pip install cohost` - enjoy chosting!'),
+ MarkdownBlock(generateWarningNote("Cohost.py is still experimental, etc etc etc... you get the picture. Please submit bugs, feature requests and PRs to the GitHub repo!")),
+ MarkdownBlock(generateDangerNote('If you\'re making a bot, please honor @jkap\'s little notes on bots! And, as always, don\'t make this site awful :)')),
+ MarkdownBlock('
+ MarkdownBlock('check out the source for this post'),
+ MarkdownBlock("
+ MarkdownBlock('ps: feature requests, bug reports and PRs? super welcome. check out our github. pybug is waiting.')
+ ]
+ # woah !!! logging in !!! that's so cool !!!
+ user = User.login(username, password)
+ project = user.getProject(handle)
+ otherProject = user.getProject("vallerie")
+ otherProject.ask("woah hello from cohost.py", project, True)
+ newPost = project.post('cohost.py 0.3 - the ask-y update', blocks, tags=['cohost.py', 'python', 'development', 'cohost api'], draft=False)
+ print('Check out your post at {}'.format(newPost.url))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index dafb1e3..1c98497 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "cohost"
-version = "0.2.6"
+version = "0.3.0"
description = "Unofficial Python API wrapper for Cohost.org - the fourth website!"
readme = "README.md"
requires-python = ">=3.9"