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File metadata and controls

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Contributing to CasaOS AppStore

This document describes how to contribute an app to CasaOS AppStore.

IMPORTANT: Your PR must be well tested on your own CasaOS first. This is the mandatory first step for your submission.

NOTE: The legacy appfile.json is no longer supported since CasaOS v0.4.4. There is no need to include this file in your PR.

NOTE: Do not use latest tag for image. What's Wrong With The Docker :latest Tag?

Submit Process

App submission should be done via Pull Request. Fork this repository and prepare the app per guidelines below.

Once the PR is ready, create and assign your PR to anyone from CasaOS Team or some other contributor you trust.


Project Structure

├─ category-list.json   # Configuration file for category list
├─ recommend-list.json  # Configuration file for recommended apps list
├─ featured-apps.json   # TBD
├─ help                 # Help script for old version app store
├─ Apps                 # Apps Store files
├─ build                # Installation script for Apps Store
└─ psd-source           # Icon thumbnail screenshot PSD Templates

A CasaOS App typically includes following files

├─ docker-compose.yml   # (Required) A valid Docker Compose file
├─ icon.png             # (Required) App icon
├─ screenshot-1.png     # (Required) At least one screenshot is needed, to demonstrate the app runs on CasaOS successfully.
├─ screenshot-2.png     # (Optional) More screenshots to demonstrate different functionalities is highly recommended.
├─ screenshot-3.png     # (Optional) ...
└─ thumbnail.png        # (Optional) A thumbnail file is needed only if you want it to be featured in AppStore front. (see specification at bottom)

A CasaOS App is a Docker Compose app, or a compose app

Each directory under Apps correspond to a CasaOS App. The directory should contain at least a docker-compose.yml file:

  • It should be a valid Docker Compose file. Here are some requirements (but not limited to):

    • name must contain only lower case letters, numbers, underscore "_" and hyphen "-" (in other words, must match ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_-]*$)
  • Image tag should be specific, e.g. :0.1.2, instead of :latest.

    What's Wrong With The Docker :latest Tag?

  • The name property is used as the store App ID, which should be unique across all apps.

    For example, in the docker-compose.yml of Syncthing, its store App ID is syncthing:

    name: syncthing
            image: linuxserver/syncthing:<specific version>
  • Language codes are case sensitive and should be in all lower case, e.g. en_us, zh_cn.

  • There are few system wide variables can be used in environment and volumes:

      PGID: $PGID                           # Preset Group ID
      PUID: $PUID                           # Preset User ID
      TZ: $TZ                               # Current system timezone
      - type: bind
        source: /DATA/AppData/$AppID/config # $AppID = app name, e.g. syncthing
  • CasaOS specific metadata, also called store info, are stored under extension property x-casaos at two positions.

    1. Service level

      A docker-compose.yml file can contain one or more services. Each service can have its own store info.

      For the same example, at the buttom of the syncthing service in the docker-compose.yml of Syncthing

          envs:                           # description of each environment variable
            - container: PUID
                  en_us: Run Syncthing as specified uid.
          ports:                          # description of each port
            - container: "8384"
                  en_us: WebUI HTTP Port
          volumes:                        # description of each volume
              - container: /config
                    en_us: Syncthing config directory.
              - container: /DATA
                  en_us: Syncthing Accessible Directory.
    2. Compose app level

      For the same example, at the bottom of the docker-compose.yml of Syncthing

          architectures:                  # a list of architectures that the app supports
              - amd64
              - arm
              - arm64
          main: syncthing                 # the name of the main service under `services`
          author: CasaOS Team
          category: Backup
          description:                    # multiple locales are supported
              en_us: Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.
          developer: Syncthing
          tagline:                        # multiple locales are supported
              en_us: Free, secure, and distributed file synchronisation tool.
          title:                          # multiple locales are supported
              en_us: Syncthing
                  en_us: |
                      (some notes for user to read prior to installation, such as preset `username` and `password` - markdown is supported!)
          index: /                        # the index page for web UI, e.g. index.html
          port_map: "8384"                # the port for web UI
    3. Magic Value

      Note: The features is only working in casaos 0.4.4 and newer version.

      For resolves some cases. Casaos provide some magic value to power your application:

      • Environment variable

        your application can read environment variable that user set, such as OPENAI_API_KEY from environment variable. It is store in /etc/casaos/env. User can set only once and using anywhere. It can be change by api, after change, all application will re up to inject new env var.

        Note: change the config didn't change the env var of current container. To set env var, you should use cli to set it.

      • WEBUI_PORT

        your docker-compose.yml can use WEBUI_PORT to set webui port. Casaos will assign a available port for your application. You can use it like this:

            - target: 5230
            published: ${WEBUI_PORT}
            protocol: tcp
                - amd64
                - arm64
                - arm
            port_map: ${WEBUI_PORT}


            - target: 5230
            published: ${WEBUI_PORT:-5230}
            protocol: tcp
                - amd64
                - arm64
                - arm
            port_map: ${WEBUI_PORT:-5230}

        Note: the WEBUI_PORT only allocated once. It promise the port is available when allocated. If the port be used by other application. It didn't reallocate a new port.

Requirements for Featured Apps

Once in a while, we pick certain apps as featured apps and display them at the AppStore front. The standard for apps to be featured is a bit higher than rest of the apps:

  • Icon image should be a transparent background PNG image with a size of 192x192 pixels.
  • Thumbnail image should be 784x442 pixels, with a rounded corner mask. It is recommended to be saved as a PNG image with a transparent background.
  • Screenshot image should be 1280x720 pixels and can be saved in either PNG or JPG format. Please try to keep the file size as small as possible.

Please find the prepared PSD template files, to quickly create the above images if you need.

If you have any feedback and suggestion about this contributing process, please let us know via Discord or Issues immediately. Thanks!