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为了训练自己的 JavaScript/TypeScript 编程能力,能用 TS 写的地方尽量用,不行再换 C++
JS 的输入输出是一个和 C++ 完全不同,需要从思维上进行转变,相当于是拿到整体全部的输入之后再处理比较方便。
Node.js 环境下常用的有 readline
和 process.stdin.on
两种方法。V8 则是 readline
和 print
最大的缺点是,一行数据读进来之后,需要自己进行 split
推荐使用 process.stdin.on
- 缺点: 输入是被动的(回调函数)。不能主动控制当前的输入进度,比如第一行要输入数字,第二行要输入字符串,那么就需要判断当前输入时第几行,处理起来较为麻烦。
import readline = require('readline')
let countLine = 0
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
rl.on('line', function (line) {
const tokens = line.split(' ')
console.log(parseInt(tokens[0]) + parseInt(tokens[1]))
if (++countLine === 10) {
console.log('当前输入的是第 10 行')
- 优点: 通过
的时候统一处理,看上去像是主动处理所有的数据(但本质上还是回调函数)。 - 缺点:
let input = ''
process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
input += String(data)
process.stdin.on('end', function () {
process.on('SIGINT', function () {
function main () {
const inputArray = input.split('\n')
Update: 有些 OJ (AcWing) 不支持 '/dev/stdin'
let input = ''
let lines
process.stdin.on('data', data => input += data)
process.stdin.on('end', () => {
lines = input.split('\n')
function main () {
参考 node-scanf 和 node.js: readSync from stdin?。
- 优点: 输入是主动的(不是回调函数)
- 缺点: 还是得全部输入之后再做处理(因为不能要求
得到的不一定是一行输入,在文件输入的情况下常常可能是多行,手动输入才可能是一行),使用上和 process.stdin.on 是等价的
node-scanf 是自己实现了一套缓冲和读取逻辑,比较复杂,代码太长了,不适合复制过来使用
import fs = require('fs')
const input = fs.readFileSync('/dev/stdin').toString()
const inputArray = input.split('\n')
const _max = Math.max.bind(Math)
const _min = Math.min.bind(Math)
const _pow = Math.pow.bind(Math)
const _floor = Math.floor.bind(Math)
const _round = Math.round.bind(Math)
const _ceil = Math.ceil.bind(Math)
const log = console.log.bind(console)
// const log = (...args: any[]) => {}
// 有一个坑的点是 (1e9+7)^2 在 JS 里面会溢出,会在 ans * a 就产生溢出
// 遇到 1e9+7 的题目最好全部用 BigInt,避免产生溢出问题
function pow (a1: number, b1: number, p1: number) {
let a = BigInt(a1); let b = BigInt(b1); const p = BigInt(p1)
let ans = 1n % p
while (b) {
if (b & 1n) ans = ans * a % p
a = a * a % p
b >>= 1n
return Number(ans)
function pow (a: bigint, b: bigint, p: bigint) {
let ans = 1n % p
while (b) {
if (b & 1n) ans = ans * a % p
a = a * a % p
b >>= 1n
return ans
因为 JS 里面没有静态数组,所以用数组模拟邻接表没有意义,这个方法显得有些鸡肋
const head = new Array<number>(n + 1).fill(0)
const ver = new Array<number>(m + 1).fill(0)
const edge = new Array<number>(m + 1).fill(0)
const next = new Array<number>(m + 1).fill(0)
let tot = 0
function add (x: number, y: number, z: number) {
ver[++tot] = y
edge[tot] = z
next[tot] = head[x]
head[x] = tot
for (const e of edges) {
add(e[0], e[1], e[2])
add(e[1], e[0], e[2])
for (let i = head[x]; i; i = next[x]) {
const [y, z] = [ver[i], edge[i]]
function qpow (a: bigint, b: bigint, p: bigint) {
let ans = 1n % p
while (b) {
if (b & 1n) ans = ans * a % p
a = a * a % p
b >>= 1n
return ans
const fa = [...Array<number>(n)].map((_, idx) => idx)
function get (x: number): number {
if (x === fa[x]) return x
return fa[x] = get(fa[x])
function merge (x: number, y: number) {
const fx = get(x); const fy = get(y)
fa[fx] = fy
const fa = [...Array(n)].map((_, idx) => idx)
function get (x) {
if (x === fa[x]) return x
return fa[x] = get(fa[x])
function merge (x, y) {
const fx = get(x); const fy = get(y)
fa[fx] = fy
// LeetCode 210. Course Schedule II
function findOrder(n: number, p: number[][]): number[] {
const e = [...Array(n)].map(() => []), deg = Array(n).fill(0)
const ans = [], q = []
for (const [a, b] of p) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) if (deg[i] === 0) q.push(i)
while (q.length) {
const x = q.shift()
for (const y of e[x]) {
if (--deg[y] === 0) {
return ans.length === n ? ans : []
// 最好以 1 为开始下标,比较好处理 p 数组
const n = s.length
s = ' ' + s
const P = 131n
const Q = 1n << 64n
const f = [0n]; const p = [1n]
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
f[i] = (f[i - 1] * P % Q + (BigInt(s[i].charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0)))) % Q
p[i] = p[i - 1] * P % Q
const hash = (i, j) => {
// 乘完之后的取模非常重要,漏掉就会 WA(出现较小负数导致 + 一个 Q 不够)
return (f[j] - f[i - 1] * p[j - i + 1] % Q + Q) % Q
class Node {
start: number
end: number
max: number
min: number
left: null | Node = null
right: null | Node = null
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.start = start
this.end = end
this.max = -1e10
this.min = 1e10
class SegmentTree {
root: Node
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.root = new Node(start, end)
modify (pos: number, val: number) {
this.modifyNode(this.root, pos, val)
modifyNode (node: Node, pos: number, val: number) {
if (node.start === pos && node.end === pos) {
node.max = node.min = val
} else {
if (pos <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNode(node.left!, pos, val)
if (pos >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNode(node.right!, pos, val)
// 这里 pushdown 的作用只是动态创建新节点
pushdown (node: Node) {
const mid = node.start + node.end >> 1
node.left ??= new Node(node.start, mid)
node.right ??= new Node(mid + 1, node.end)
pushup (node: Node) {
node.max = Math.max(node.left!.max, node.right!.max)
node.min = Math.min(node.left!.min, node.right!.min)
query (start: number, end: number) {
return this.queryNode(this.root, start, end)
queryNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) {
return {
max: node.max,
min: node.min
const ans = { max: -1e10, min: 1e10 }
if (start <= node.left!.end) {
const tmp = this.queryNode(node.left!, start, end)
ans.max = Math.max(ans.max, tmp.max)
ans.min = Math.min(ans.min, tmp.min)
if (end >= node.right!.start) {
const tmp = this.queryNode(node.right!, start, end)
ans.max = Math.max(ans.max, tmp.max)
ans.min = Math.min(ans.min, tmp.min)
return ans
class Node {
start: number
end: number
maxLen: number[]
leftMaxLen: number[]
rightMaxLen: number[]
left: null | Node = null
right: null | Node = null
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.start = start
this.end = end
this.maxLen = Array(26).fill(0)
this.leftMaxLen = Array(26).fill(0)
this.rightMaxLen = Array(26).fill(0)
class SegmentTree {
root: Node
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.root = new Node(start, end)
modify (pos: number, char: string) {
this.modifyNode(this.root, pos, char)
modifyNode (node: Node, pos: number, char: string) {
if (node.start === pos && node.end === pos) {
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
node.leftMaxLen[i] = node.rightMaxLen[i] = node.maxLen[i] = char === (String.fromCharCode('a'.charCodeAt(0) + i)) ? 1 : 0
} else {
if (pos <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNode(node.left!, pos, char)
if (pos >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNode(node.right!, pos, char)
// 这里 pushdown 的作用只是动态创建新节点
pushdown (node: Node) {
const mid = node.start + node.end >> 1
node.left ??= new Node(node.start, mid)
node.right ??= new Node(mid + 1, node.end)
pushup (node: Node) {
for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
node.leftMaxLen[i] = node.left!.leftMaxLen[i]
if (node.left!.leftMaxLen[i] === node.left!.end - node.left!.start + 1) {
node.leftMaxLen[i] = node.left!.leftMaxLen[i] + node.right!.leftMaxLen[i]
node.rightMaxLen[i] = node.right!.rightMaxLen[i]
if (node.right!.rightMaxLen[i] === node.right!.end - node.right!.start + 1) {
node.rightMaxLen[i] = node.right!.rightMaxLen[i] + node.left!.rightMaxLen[i]
node.maxLen[i] = Math.max(node.left!.maxLen[i], node.right!.maxLen[i], node.left!.rightMaxLen[i] + node.right!.leftMaxLen[i])
query (start: number, end: number) {
return this.queryNode(this.root, start, end)
arrayAdd (a: number[], b: number[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] += b[i]
queryNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) return node.maxLen
const sum = Array(26)
if (start <= node.left!.end) this.arrayAdd(sum, this.queryNode(node.left!, start, end))
if (end >= node.right!.start) this.arrayAdd(sum, this.queryNode(node.right!, start, end))
return sum
class Node {
start: number
end: number
max: number
sum: number
left: null | Node = null
right: null | Node = null
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.start = start
this.end = end
this.max = 0
this.sum = 0
class SegmentTree {
root: Node
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.root = new Node(start, end)
modify (pos: number, val: number) {
this.modifyNode(this.root, pos, val)
modifyNode (node: Node, pos: number, val: number) {
if (node.start === pos && node.end === pos) {
node.max = node.sum = val
} else {
if (pos <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNode(node.left!, pos, val)
if (pos >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNode(node.right!, pos, val)
// 这里 pushdown 的作用只是动态创建新节点
pushdown (node: Node) {
const mid = node.start + node.end >> 1
node.left ??= new Node(node.start, mid)
node.right ??= new Node(mid + 1, node.end)
pushup (node: Node) {
node.max = Math.max(node.left!.max, node.right!.max)
node.sum = node.left!.sum + node.right!.sum
query (start: number, end: number) {
return this.queryNode(this.root, start, end)
queryNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) return [node.max, node.sum]
let max = 0; let sum = 0
if (start <= node.left!.end) {
const [_m, _s] = this.queryNode(node.left!, start, end)
max = Math.max(max, _m)
sum += _s
if (end >= node.right!.start) {
const [_m, _s] = this.queryNode(node.right!, start, end)
max = Math.max(max, _m)
sum += _s
return [max, sum]
enum Tracked {
class Node {
start: number
end: number
val: number = 0
lazy: Tracked | null = null
left: null | Node = null
right: null | Node = null
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.start = start
this.end = end
class SegmentTree {
root: Node
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.root = new Node(start, end)
modify (start: number, end: number, tracked: boolean) {
this.modifyNode(this.root, start, end, tracked)
modifyNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number, tracked: boolean) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) {
node.val = tracked ? (node.end - node.start + 1) : 0
node.lazy = tracked ? Tracked.TRUE : Tracked.FALSE
} else {
// pushdown 已经确保 left 和 right 一定存在了
if (start <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNode(node.left!, start, end, tracked)
if (end >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNode(node.right!, start, end, tracked)
pushdown (node: Node) {
const mid = node.start + node.end >> 1
node.left ??= new Node(node.start, mid)
node.right ??= new Node(mid + 1, node.end)
if (node.lazy) {
node.left.lazy = node.lazy
node.left.val = (node.lazy === Tracked.TRUE) ? (node.left.end - node.left.start + 1) : 0
node.right.lazy = node.lazy
node.right.val = (node.lazy === Tracked.TRUE) ? (node.right.end - node.right.start + 1) : 0
node.lazy = null
pushup (node: Node) {
node.val = node.left!.val + node.right!.val
query (start: number, end: number) {
return this.queryNode(this.root, start, end)
queryNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) return node.val
let sum = 0
if (start <= node.left!.end) sum += this.queryNode(node.left!, start, end)
if (end >= node.right!.start) sum += this.queryNode(node.right!, start, end)
return sum
class Node {
start: number
end: number
max: number = 0
sum: number = 0
lazy: number | null = null
left: null | Node = null
right: null | Node = null
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.start = start
this.end = end
class SegmentTree {
root: Node
constructor (start: number, end: number) {
this.root = new Node(start, end)
modify (pos: number, val: number) {
this.modifyNode(this.root, pos, val)
modifyNode (node: Node, pos: number, val: number) {
if (node.start === pos && node.end === pos) {
node.max = node.sum = val
} else {
if (pos <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNode(node.left!, pos, val)
if (pos >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNode(node.right!, pos, val)
// 使用 modify 和 modifyRange 是等价的,modifyRange 更加通用
modifyRange (start: number, end: number, val: number) {
this.modifyNodeRange(this.root, start, end, val)
modifyNodeRange (node: Node, start: number, end: number, val: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) {
node.sum = val * (node.end - node.start + 1)
node.max = val
node.lazy = val
} else {
if (start <= node.left!.end) this.modifyNodeRange(node.left!, start, end, val)
if (end >= node.right!.start) this.modifyNodeRange(node.right!, start, end, val)
// 这里 pushdown 同时保证了 left, right 一定存在
pushdown (node: Node) {
const mid = node.start + node.end >> 1
node.left ??= new Node(node.start, mid)
node.right ??= new Node(mid + 1, node.end)
if (node.lazy != null) {
node.left.lazy = node.lazy
node.left.max = node.lazy
node.left.sum = node.lazy * (node.left.end - node.left.start + 1)
node.right.lazy = node.lazy
node.right.max = node.lazy
node.right.sum = node.lazy * (node.right.end - node.right.start + 1)
node.lazy = null
pushup (node: Node) {
node.max = Math.max(node.left!.max, node.right!.max)
node.sum = node.left!.sum + node.right!.sum
query (start: number, end: number) {
return this.queryNode(this.root, start, end)
queryNode (node: Node, start: number, end: number) {
if (start <= node.start && end >= node.end) {
return { max: node.max, sum: node.sum }
let max = 0; let sum = 0
if (start <= node.left!.end) {
const { max: _m, sum: _s } = this.queryNode(node.left!, start, end)
max = Math.max(max, _m)
sum += _s
if (end >= node.right!.start) {
const { max: _m, sum: _s } = this.queryNode(node.right!, start, end)
max = Math.max(max, _m)
sum += _s
return { max, sum }