Objective: Build a REST API to fetch the details of a US zip code. The raw data was obtained from http://download.geonames.org/export/zip
Endpoint:(A) http://<hostname:port>/zip/{zipid}
Endpoint:(B) http://<hostname:port>/zipcounty/count/{state}
- Impletation is based on SOLID Design Principles.
- H2 is used as backend database for persisting the zip data feed.
- Swagger is used for API documentation as well as API DEV test Tool.
- Filter Based Customized Logging for transactionId and other log appender info.
- Custom Exception Handling is Added for Data Layer i.e
- Token based Security has been implemented for securing end points. User/pass(admin/admin , token expires in 5 mins configurable)
- Unit Testing - Added minimum coverage for controllers/services
- Dozer is used for API response projection to avoid boiler plate model mapping as well as having a configuration based response projection.
- Implementation Time : 10 Hours
Clone the code from https://github.com/ultra-devs/USA-Postal-Services.git
cd USA-Postal-Services
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
Go to http://localhost:8181/swagger-ui.html to access the swagger or use curl for api invocation.
Use http://localhost:8181/console for view H2 DB console to make sure data upload is fine
use jdbc:h2:mem:assignment-app
2020-03-12 12:32:41.041 INFO [main] com.ultradev.service.FeedFileDataParsingService - [ hostname: # version: # conversationId : # servicename: ]: T o t a l F e e d R e c o r d C o u n t : :41469
2020-03-12 12:32:41.041 INFO [main] com.ultradev.service.FeedFileDataParsingService - [ hostname: # version: # conversationId : # servicename: ]: F e e d F i l e L o a d C o m p l e t e d S u c c e s s f u l l y ( T o o k : :00:00:00.169 )
2020-03-12 12:32:50.050 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-1] org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] - [ hostname: # version: # conversationId : # servicename: ]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2020-03-12 12:33:50.050 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-10] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : # servicename: /api/v1/zip/08872 ]: A P I T r a n s a c t i o n I d :610b2c08-0c8c-46cb-bdd6-00ddbff21b2a
2020-03-12 12:33:50.050 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-10] com.ultradev.service.ZipCodeDataFetchService - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : 610b2c08-0c8c-46cb-bdd6-00ddbff21b2a # servicename: /api/v1/zip/08872 ]: P r o c e s s i n g Z i p C o d e D e t a i l s W i t h Z i p c o d e : :08872
2020-03-12 12:33:51.051 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-10] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : 610b2c08-0c8c-46cb-bdd6-00ddbff21b2a # servicename: /api/v1/zip/08872 ]: s e r v i c e - r e s p o n s e - d u r a t i o n : :00:00:00.172
2020-03-12 12:35:36.036 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-2] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : # servicename: /api/v1/zip/123456 ]: A P I T r a n s a c t i o n I d :30b095eb-129d-4fef-bff0-a45b7f5f27a2
2020-03-12 12:35:36.036 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-2] com.ultradev.service.ZipCodeDataFetchService - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : 30b095eb-129d-4fef-bff0-a45b7f5f27a2 # servicename: /api/v1/zip/123456 ]: P r o c e s s i n g Z i p C o d e D e t a i l s W i t h Z i p c o d e : :123456
2020-03-12 12:35:36.036 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-2] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : 30b095eb-129d-4fef-bff0-a45b7f5f27a2 # servicename: /api/v1/zip/123456 ]: s e r v i c e - r e s p o n s e - d u r a t i o n : :00:00:00.033
2020-03-12 12:36:33.033 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-4] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : # servicename: /api/v1/zipcounty/count/NY ]: A P I T r a n s a c t i o n I d :ddbac4da-f9c1-45cf-a49b-ce540fc80468
2020-03-12 12:36:33.033 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-4] com.ultradev.service.ZipCountyDataFetchService - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : ddbac4da-f9c1-45cf-a49b-ce540fc80468 # servicename: /api/v1/zipcounty/count/NY ]: P r o c e s s i n g S t a t e D e t a i l s W i t h S t a t e C o d e : :NY
2020-03-12 12:36:33.033 INFO [http-nio-8181-exec-4] com.ultradev.config.ServiceInterceptor - [ hostname: localhost # version: 1.0.1 # conversationId : ddbac4da-f9c1-45cf-a49b-ce540fc80468 # servicename: /api/v1/zipcounty/count/NY ]: s e r v i c e - r e s p o n s e - d u r a t i o n : :00:00:00.135