Doctrine ORM join columns from GalleryHasMedia entity towards both Gallery and Media entities has been changed. Now
they include the onDelete="CASCADE"
option: this allows to delete a media if included in a gallery (and vice-versa).
You should upgrade your database in a safe way after upgrading your vendors.
is deprecated. Please avoid using this method, use getExtensionConfig($container)
Sonata\MediaBundle\Controller\Controller\MediaController::liipImagineFilterAction($path, $filter) is deprecated. Please avoid using this method. If you define controller_action in liip_imagine configs please remove it.
Providing a 2nd parameter for Sonata\MediaBundle\Metadata\ProxyMetadataBuilder::__construct() is deprecated
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, array $map = null)
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
Please avoid using this property!
Not providing the 4th argument for Sonata\MediaBundle\Thumbnail\ConsumerThumbail::__construct() is deprecated
__construct($id, ThumbnailInterface $thumbnail, BackendInterface $backend, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null)
__construct($id, ThumbnailInterface $thumbnail, BackendInterface $backend, EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
When creating a custom video provider, you have to implement the getReferenceUrl
method to establish
the media url.
All files under the Tests
directory are now correctly handled as internal test classes.
You can't extend them anymore, because they are only loaded when running internal tests.
More information can be found in the composer docs.
property in Security/SessionDownloadStrategy
is deprecated. Use SessionInterface
$downloadStrategy = new SessionDownloadStrategy($translator, $container, $times);
$downloadStrategy = new SessionDownloadStrategy($translator, $session, $times);