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Google Native with VPC, Postgres Server, and Cloud Function in Python

A Google Native stack with a vpc, postgres server, and cloud function in python.


Before trying to deploy this example, please make sure you have performed all of the following tasks:

Special Issues

  • Google buckets cannot have the word or variation of google in its name due to the following naming rules
  • Google native does not support a native sql user due to this so we use google classic provider

Running the Example

  1. Create a new stack, which is an isolated deployment target for this example.

    pulumi stack init dev
  2. Set the required configuration variables for this program such as project, region, & subnet cidr blocks.

    pulumi config set google-native:project pulumi-ce-team # replace with your-gcp-project-here
    pulumi config set google-native:region us-central1 # replace with your gcp region
    pulumi config set subnet_cidr_blocks '["","",""]' 
    pulumi config set google-native:file_archive_path  ./pythonfunction  # Location of the python function
  3. Create a Python virtualenv, activate it, and install dependencies:

    This installs the dependent packages for our Pulumi program.

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run pulumi up to preview and deploy changes. After the preview is shown you will be prompted if you want to continue or not.

    pulumi up

    Preview Results

    View Live:
     Type                                                              Name                                            Plan       
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                                               google-native-py-network-postgres-function-dev  create     
    +   ├─ custom:network:VPC                                             gcp-native                                      create     
    +   │  └─ google-native:compute/v1:Network                            gcp-native-vpc                                  create     
    +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-0                             create     
    +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-1                             create     
    +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-2                             create     
    +   │     └─ google-native:compute/v1:Router                          gcp-native-router                               create     
    +   ├─ custom:database:Postgres                                       gcp-native                                      create     
    +   │  └─ google-native:sqladmin/v1beta4:Instance                     gcp-native-sqlinstance                          create     
    +   │     ├─ google-native:sqladmin/v1beta4:Database                  gcp-native-sqldatabase                          create     
    +   │     └─ gcp:sql:User                                             gcp-native-sql-user                             create     
    +   ├─ custom:cloudfunctions:Function                                 gcp-native                                      create     
    +   │  └─ google-native:storage/v1:Bucket                             gcp-native-function-bucket                      create     
    +   │     └─ google-native:storage/v1:BucketObject                    gcp-native-function-bucketobject                create     
    +   │        └─ google-native:cloudfunctions/v1:Function              gcp-native-function                             create     
    +   │           └─ google-native:cloudfunctions/v1:FunctionIamPolicy  gcp-native-function-iam                         create     
    +   └─ random:index:RandomPassword                                    gcp-native-sqluser-password                     create     
        + 17 to create
    Do you want to perform this update?  [Use arrows to move, enter to select, type to filter]
    > no
  5. Select yes


    Updating (dev)
     View Live:
         Type                                                              Name                                            Status      
     +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                                               google-native-py-network-postgres-function-dev  created     
     +   ├─ custom:network:VPC                                             gcp-native                                      created     
     +   │  └─ google-native:compute/v1:Network                            gcp-native-vpc                                  created     
     +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-0                             created     
     +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-1                             created     
     +   │     ├─ google-native:compute/v1:Subnetwork                      gcp-native-subnet-2                             created     
     +   │     └─ google-native:compute/v1:Router                          gcp-native-router                               created     
     +   ├─ custom:database:Postgres                                       gcp-native                                      created     
     +   │  └─ google-native:sqladmin/v1beta4:Instance                     gcp-native-sqlinstance                          created     
     +   │     ├─ google-native:sqladmin/v1beta4:Database                  gcp-native-sqldatabase                          created     
     +   │     └─ gcp:sql:User                                             gcp-native-sql-user                             created     
     +   ├─ custom:cloudfunctions:Function                                 gcp-native                                      created     
     +   │  └─ google-native:storage/v1:Bucket                             gcp-native-function-bucket                      created     
     +   │     └─ google-native:storage/v1:BucketObject                    gcp-native-function-bucketobject                created     
     +   │        └─ google-native:cloudfunctions/v1:Function              gcp-native-function                             created     
     +   │           └─ google-native:cloudfunctions/v1:FunctionIamPolicy  gcp-native-function-iam                         created     
     +   └─ random:index:RandomPassword                                    gcp-native-sqluser-password                     created     
         cloudfunction_bucket                     : "gcp-native-function-bucket-d3edf76"
         cloudfunction_name                       : "projects/pulumi-ce-team/locations/us-central1/functions/gcp-native-function-2e67846"
         cloudfunction_short_name                 : "gcp-native-function-2e67846"
         cloudfunction_url                        : ""
         cloudsql_database_name                   : "gcp-native-sqldatabase-b018586"
         cloudsql_instance_database_engine_version: "POSTGRES_13"
         cloudsql_instance_name                   : "gcp-native-sqlinstance-0cf610b"
         sql_user_name                            : "pulumiadmin"
         sql_user_password                        : "[secret]"
         vpc_name                                 : "gcp-native-vpc-59c5df0"
         vpc_subnet_1_name                        : "gcp-native-subnet-0-e3b7584"
         vpc_subnet_2_name                        : "gcp-native-subnet-1-6e97e36"
         vpc_subnet_3_name                        : "gcp-native-subnet-2-995d196"
         + 17 created
     Duration: 13m20s
  6. View the stack outputs

    pulumi stack output


    Current stack outputs (13):
    OUTPUT                                     VALUE
    cloudfunction_bucket                       gcp-native-function-bucket-d3edf76
    cloudfunction_name                         projects/pulumi-ce-team/locations/us-central1/functions/gcp-native-function-2e67846
    cloudfunction_short_name                   gcp-native-function-2e67846
    cloudsql_database_name                     gcp-native-sqldatabase-b018586
    cloudsql_instance_database_engine_version  POSTGRES_13
    cloudsql_instance_name                     gcp-native-sqlinstance-0cf610b
    sql_user_name                              pulumiadmin
    sql_user_password                          [secret]
    vpc_name                                   gcp-native-vpc-59c5df0
    vpc_subnet_1_name                          gcp-native-subnet-0-e3b7584
    vpc_subnet_2_name                          gcp-native-subnet-1-6e97e36
    vpc_subnet_3_name                          gcp-native-subnet-2-995d196
  7. Check the deployed function endpoint

    curl "$(pulumi stack output cloudfunction_url)"

    Expected Results Hello, World! Welcome to Google Native in Python via Pulumi!

  8. Clean up your Google Cloud & Pulumi resources

    pulumi destroy -y
  9. Remove your stack

    pulumi stack rm dev -y