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Deploying Azure SQL Server and Database with Auditing using Log Analytics

Deploys Azure SQL Server and Database with Auditing using Log Analytics


  1. Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step)

    az login
  2. Create a new stack:

    pulumi stack init dev
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Configure the location to deploy the resources to. The Azure region to deploy to is pre-set to WestUS - but you can modify the region you would like to deploy to.

    pulumi config set azure-native:location eastus2
  5. Create that stack via pulumi up

    pulumi up -y

    The Result will be

    Updating (dev)
    View Live:
        Type                                                Name                                 Status      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                                 azure-ts-sqlserver-loganalytics-dev  created     
    +   ├─ azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup             loganalytics-rg                      created     
    +   │  ├─ azure-native:operationalinsights:Workspace    loganalytics-workspace               created     
    +   │  ├─ azure-native:sql:Server                       sqlserver                            created     
    +   │  │  ├─ azure-native:sql:ServerBlobAuditingPolicy  serverblobauditingpolicy             created     
    +   │  │  ├─ azure-native:sql:Database                  sqldatabase                          created     
    +   │  │  └─ azure-native:insights:DiagnosticSetting    diagnosticsetting                    created     
    +   │  └─ azure-native:storage:StorageAccount           loganalyticssa                       created     
    +   └─ random:index:RandomPassword                      sqlseverpassword                     created     
        loganalytics_workspace_name: "loganalytics-workspace4931f9e9"
        resourcegroup_name         : "loganalytics-rg99d2cc8a"
        sql_password               : "[secret]"
        sql_user                   : "pulumiadmin"
        sqlserver_database_name    : "sqldatabase"
        sqlserver_name             : "sqlserverff648141"
        storageaccount_name        : "loganalyticssa65496eb1"
  6. Check the Outputs

    pulumi stack output


     Current stack outputs (7):
     OUTPUT                       VALUE
     loganalytics_workspace_name  loganalytics-workspace4931f9e9
     resourcegroup_name           loganalytics-rg99d2cc8a
     sql_password                 [secret]
     sql_user                     pulumiadmin
     sqlserver_database_name      sqldatabase
     sqlserver_name               sqlserverff648141
     storageaccount_name          loganalyticssa65496eb1
  7. Check the Azure portal to validate that the Azure SQL Auditing is turned on at the database level.

  8. Destroy the Stack

    pulumi destroy -y

    Note: The serverblobauditingpolicy resource is not getting deleted correctly. Current workaround,

    • Go to Azure portal and find the SQL Server.
    • Delete the SQL Server
    • Go back to the command-line and type in pulumi destroy -y -r. The -r will refresh the state file before deleting the resources.
  9. Remove the stack

    pulumi stack rm dev