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Azure Workshop TypeScript - Lab 1

Azure Infrastructure as Code Workshop Lab 1 code in TypeScript. This example creates a resource group, storage account, and blobcontainer calling azure-native resources.


This example can stand alone.
This example also is a part of the following [Azure Native Workshop in TypeScript Lab 1] (./azure-workshop-ts#lab-1--modern-infrastructure-as-code)


  1. Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step)

    az login
  2. Create a new stack

    pulumi stack init dev
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Configure the location to deploy the resources to. The Azure region to deploy to is pre-set to WestUS - but you can modify the region you would like to deploy to.

    pulumi config set azure-native:location eastus2
  5. Create that stack via pulumi up

    pulumi up -y

    The Result will be

    Updating (dev)
    View Live:
        Type                                     Name                            Status      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                      azure-ts-iac-workshop-lab1-dev  created     
    +   ├─ azure-native:resources:ResourceGroup  myresourcegroup                 created     
    +   ├─ azure-native:storage:StorageAccount   storageaccount                  created     
    +   └─ azure-native:storage:BlobContainer    mycontainer                     created     
        blobcontainer : "files"
        resourcegroup : "myresourcegroupb6e8e220"
        storageaccount: "storageaccounta9a84abd"
        + 4 created
    Duration: 28s
  6. Check the Outputs

    pulumi stack output resourcegroup


    Current stack outputs (3):
     OUTPUT          VALUE
     blobcontainer   files
     resourcegroup   myresourcegroupb6e8e220
     storageaccount  storageaccounta9a84abd
  7. Destroy the Stack

    pulumi destoy -y
  8. Remove the stack

    pulumi stack rm dev