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AWS EKS Cluster with no Managednode Group, Fixed and Spot Nodegroup both with taints

AWS eks stood up in a vpc with no managednodgroup, a fixed nodegroup and a spot nodegroup with taints in TypeScript


  1. Initialize a new stack called: dev via pulumi stack init.

    pulumi stack init dev
  2. Create a Python virtualenv, activate it, and install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. View the current config settings. This will be empty.

    pulumi config
    KEY                     VALUE
  4. Populate the config. Here are aws endpoints

    pulumi config set aws:region us-east-2 # any valid aws region
  5. Launch

    pulumi up -y


     Previewing update (dev)
     View Live:
      Type                              Name                                   Status       
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack               aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev  creating     
    +   ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Vpc                 demo-vpc                               created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-0                      created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:RouteTable       demo-vpc-public-0                      creating     
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-private-2                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-2                      created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:RouteTable       demo-vpc-public-2                      creating     
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      created      
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable       demo-vpc-public-1                      creating     
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable       demo-vpc-public-1                      creating     
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      creating..   
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      creating..   
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet           demo-vpc-public-1                      creating..   
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:Route                  demo-vpc-public-1-ig                   creating.    
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation  demo-vpc-public-0                      created      
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:RouteTable             demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:RouteTableAssociation  demo-vpc-private-1                     created      
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:NatGateway             demo-vpc-0                             created      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev  creating.    
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:NatGateway             demo-vpc-0                             creating...  
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-0                     created      
    +   │  │  ├─ aws:ec2:Subnet                 demo-vpc-private-0                     created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:NatGateway             demo-vpc-0                             creating     
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:NatGateway             demo-vpc-0                             creating..   
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:InternetGateway        demo-vpc                               created      
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:NatGateway             demo-vpc-0                             creating...  
    +   │  └─ aws:ec2:Vpc                       demo-vpc                               created      
    +   │  └─ aws:ec2:Vpc                       demo-vpc                               created      
    +   │  └─ aws:ec2:Vpc                       demo-vpc                               created      
    +   │  └─ aws:ec2:Vpc                       demo-vpc                               created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:Policy                       EKSClusterAutoscalePolicy               created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:Policy                       AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy      created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:Role                         demo-role-0-iamrole                     created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment         demo-role-0-policy-3                                    created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment         demo-role-0-policy-4                                    created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment         demo-role-0-policy-1                                    created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:InstanceProfile              demo-instanceProfile-0                                  created      
    +   ├─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment         demo-role-0-policy-2                                    created      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev                   creating.    
    +   ├─ eks:index:NodeGroup                  demo-nodegroup-spot                                     created      
    +   │  ├─ eks:index:RandomSuffix            demo-nodegroup-spot-cfnStackName                        created      
    +   │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup             demo-nodegroup-spot-nodeSecurityGroup                   created      
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating...  
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating.    
    +   │  ├─ eks:index:ServiceRole             demo-eks-eksRole                                        created      
    +   ├─ eks:index:Cluster                    demo-eks                                                creating..   
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev                   creating.    
    +   │  │  └─ aws:iam:RolePolicyAttachment   demo-eks-eksRole-90eb1c99                               created      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev                   creating..   
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev                   creating..   Warning: CustomResource
    +   │  ├─ aws:eks:Cluster                   demo-eks-eksCluster                                     created      Cluster is ready
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksClusterInternetEgressRule                   created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup             demo-eks-nodeSecurityGroup                              created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksNodeIngressRule                             created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksClusterIngressRule                          created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksNodeInternetEgressRule                      created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksExtApiServerClusterIngressRule              created     
    +   │  ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-eks-eksNodeClusterIngressRule                      created     
    +   │  ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes       demo-eks-provider                                       created     
    +   │  ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes       demo-eks-eks-k8s                                        created     
    +   │  ├─ eks:index:VpcCni                  demo-eks-vpc-cni                                        created     
    +   │  └─ kubernetes:core/v1:ConfigMap      demo-eks-nodeAccess                                     created     
    +   └─ eks:index:NodeGroup                  demo-nodegroup-fixed                                    created     
    +      ├─ eks:index:RandomSuffix            demo-nodegroup-fixed-cfnStackName                       created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup             demo-nodegroup-fixed-nodeSecurityGroup                  created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-nodegroup-fixed-eksExtApiServerClusterIngressRule  created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-nodegroup-fixed-eksNodeIngressRule                 created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-nodegroup-fixed-eksClusterIngressRule              created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-nodegroup-fixed-eksNodeInternetEgressRule          created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-nodegroup-fixed-eksNodeClusterIngressRule          created     
    +      ├─ aws:ec2:LaunchConfiguration       demo-nodegroup-fixed-nodeLaunchConfiguration            created     
    +      └─ aws:cloudformation:Stack          demo-nodegroup-fixed-nodes                              created     
    pulumi:pulumi:Stack (aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints-dev):
       Warning: CustomResourceDefinition is deprecated in v1.16+, unavailable in v1.22+; use CustomResourceDefinition
       cluster_name  : "demo-eks-eksCluster-cd053b7"
       cluster_verion: "1.21"
       kubeconfig    : "[secret]"
       + 85 created
    Duration: 11m34s
  6. View the outputs.

    pulumi stack output


     Current stack outputs (3):
     OUTPUT          VALUE
     cluster_name    demo-eks-eksCluster-cd053b7
     cluster_verion  1.21
     kubeconfig      [secret]

    If you need to see the value in kubeconfig, you will have to do the following

    pulumi stack output --show-secrets
  7. Validating that the taints were applied via the cli. Create the kubeconfig

    pulumi stack output kubeconfig --show-secrets >kubeconfig
    export KUBECONFIG=`PWD`/kubeconfig
    kubectl version
  8. Check for taints via how to extract the list of nodes that are tainted

    kubectl get node -o,TAINT:.spec.taints[*].effect

    Expected Results: 3 to say NoSchedule and 3 to say <none>

    NAME                                         TAINT    NoSchedule   NoSchedule    NoSchedule   NoSchedule   NoSchedule   NoSchedule
  9. coredns is not running due to the following issue: EKS Add-on support (coredns, etc) issue. This is what the aws console will show.

    • log in via aws console, check out the eks cluster, select Workloads view the Status for coredns. This will show that 0 are ready. Add
  10. Work around

       kubectl patch -n kube-system deployment/coredns --patch \
    '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"tolerations": [{"operator": "Exists"} ]}}}}'
  11. Clean up kubeconfig

    unset KUBECONFIG
    rm kubeconfig
  12. Clean up

    pulumi destroy -y
  13. Remove. This will remove the file also

    pulumi stack rm dev -y