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AWS VPC, ECS, & Load Balancer

The vpc is read in via StackReferences and built via awsx.
The ecs cluster is stood up via awsx package.
The load balancer is built via the aws package. There are no targetgroups or listeners created on purpose. The ecs cluster and the load balancer are exported via stackreference


Where are the settings?

The settings are in Pulumi.stackname.yaml You will be creating a new file that holds your configs


  1. Initialize a new stack called: dev via pulumi stack init. wil be created

    pulumi stack init dev
  2. Now, install dependencies.

    npm install
  3. View the current config settings. This will be empty.

    pulumi config
    KEY                     VALUE

    The config values are empty

  4. Populate the config. The networking stack follows this means that the format is // See networkingStack below for example

    Here are aws endpoints

    pulumi config set aws:region us-east-2 # needs to match the region where the vpc is stood up.
    networkingStack  myuser/crosswalk-vpc/myvpc  #
  5. View the current config settings

    pulumi config
    KEY                     VALUE
    aws:region       us-east-2
    networkingStack  myuser/crosswalk-vpc/myvpc
  6. Special Considerations.

    • We are using an existing vpc. This MUST already exist otherwise this stack will FAIL.
    • We are not creating an awsx loadbalancer, we must use aws because we have to pass in the load balancer resource when we create the fargate resources in the next stack.
    • We are not creating a targetgroup or targetlistener via awsx.
    • Next stack name is:
  7. Create the stack via pulumi up

    pulumi up -y

    The Result will be

    Do you want to perform this update? yes
    Updating (dev)
    Updating (dev)
    View Live:
        Type                                          Name                 Status      
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                           aws-ts-ecs-awsx-dev  created     
    +   ├─ awsx:x:ecs:Cluster                         demo-ecs             created     
    +   │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:SecurityGroup                demo-ecs             created     
    +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule  demo-ecs-containers  created     
    +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-ecs-containers  created     
    +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:EgressSecurityGroupRule   demo-ecs-egress      created     
    +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-ecs-egress      created     
    +   │  │  ├─ awsx:x:ec2:IngressSecurityGroupRule  demo-ecs-ssh         created     
    +   │  │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroupRule         demo-ecs-ssh         created     
    +   │  │  └─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup                demo-ecs             created     
    +   │  └─ aws:ecs:Cluster                         demo-ecs             created     
    +   ├─ awsx:x:ec2:Vpc                             demo-getvpc          created     
    +   ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup                      demo-securitygroup   created     
    +   └─ aws:alb:LoadBalancer                       demo-alb             created     
        cluster_id        : "secret"
        cluster_name      : "demo-ecs-cac746f"
        load_balancer_arn : "secret"
        load_balancer_name: "demo-alb-fc410af"
        myvpc             : "secret" 
        securitygroup_id  : "sg-019dc06000745551a"
        securitygroup_name: "demo-securitygroup-348b57b"
        + 14 created
    Duration: 3m14s
  8. Check out the stack Outputs

    pulumi stack output


    Current stack outputs (7):
     OUTPUT              VALUE
     cluster_id          [secret]
     cluster_name        demo-ecs-a8c72a4
     load_balancer_arn   [secret]
     load_balancer_name  demo-alb-347c1d1
     securitygroup_id    sg-03627b0949fbd9b8a
     securitygroup_name  demo-securitygroup-b5256cf
     vpc_existing        [secret]
  9. View the outputs.

    pulumi stack output

    If you need to see the values that are secrets, do the following

    pulumi stack output --show-secrets
  10. The value to use in a StackReference can be retrieved from the last line.

    pulumi stack


    More information at:

    We want the following from the above myuser/aws-ts-ecs-awsx/dev so that we can use it in aws-ts-get-ecs

  11. Destroy the stack (Only AFTER you have destroyed the stack that depends on this: aws-ts-get-ecs)

    pulumi destroy -y
  12. Remove the stack

    pulumi stack rm dev -y