All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.17 (2022-05-02)
- adds octuple badge, use badge in tabs (#89) (81f6fa5)
- change menu item value to type any (#93) (b5cff2e)
- button: fixes button height and min width in flex layouts (#95) (0ba62c0)
- dropdown: fix memory leak in dropdowns, change position strategy to absolute (#90) (25de4bf)
- tooltip: dont show tooltip if no content (#94) (13f6a2e)
0.0.16 (2022-04-28)
- adds octuple info bars (#84) (3ef3840)
- adds octuple snackbar component (#81) (6559c78)
- button: adds two state button component (#80) (3ea58e3)
- modal scrollbar only if content is scrollable (#78) (e72ffb8)
- panel: footer not sticking to the bottom (#83) (e31a070)
- tabs: remove background from tabs (#85) (4ddb663)
0.0.15 (2022-04-20)
0.0.14 (2022-04-19)
0.0.13 (2022-04-19)
0.0.12 (2022-04-13)
0.0.11 (2022-04-13)
- adds octuple panel component, add portal component (#55) (4e1a7e1)
- adds octuples dialog component (#58) (7fbf365)
- button: add split button component (#57) (46246b7)
- Adds octuple list, menu, dropdown components (#30) (3f558f5)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- baseline font size: add use font size hook, update config provider using font size css var (#50) (4749c03)
- button and input: adds neutral button, exports components, renames enum to better match others (#48) (7fc3bf9)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- input component: adds searchbox, textarea and textinput components (#40) (22e6657)
- toggle button: adds toggle button and its hooks, updates scss (#43) (67149a2)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- handle menu item value type (#44) (cc66e8e)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- pill button: updates hover state to match latest button styles (#45) (b98488f)
- pills: removes unused selectors (#36) (28b11ef)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- textarea: pixel push resize icon (#46) (bbf1e7e)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple list, menu, dropdown components (#30) (3f558f5)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- baseline font size: add use font size hook, update config provider using font size css var (#50) (4749c03)
- button and input: adds neutral button, exports components, renames enum to better match others (#48) (7fc3bf9)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- input component: adds searchbox, textarea and textinput components (#40) (22e6657)
- toggle button: adds toggle button and its hooks, updates scss (#43) (67149a2)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- handle menu item value type (#44) (cc66e8e)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- pill button: updates hover state to match latest button styles (#45) (b98488f)
- pills: removes unused selectors (#36) (28b11ef)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- textarea: pixel push resize icon (#46) (bbf1e7e)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple list, menu, dropdown components (#30) (3f558f5)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- baseline font size: add use font size hook, update config provider using font size css var (#50) (4749c03)
- button and input: adds neutral button, exports components, renames enum to better match others (#48) (7fc3bf9)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- input component: adds searchbox, textarea and textinput components (#40) (22e6657)
- toggle button: adds toggle button and its hooks, updates scss (#43) (67149a2)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- handle menu item value type (#44) (cc66e8e)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- pill button: updates hover state to match latest button styles (#45) (b98488f)
- pills: removes unused selectors (#36) (28b11ef)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- textarea: pixel push resize icon (#46) (bbf1e7e)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple list, menu, dropdown components (#30) (3f558f5)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- input component: adds searchbox, textarea and textinput components (#40) (22e6657)
- toggle button: adds toggle button and its hooks, updates scss (#43) (67149a2)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- handle menu item value type (#44) (cc66e8e)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- pill button: updates hover state to match latest button styles (#45) (b98488f)
- pills: removes unused selectors (#36) (28b11ef)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- textarea: pixel push resize icon (#46) (bbf1e7e)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- pills: removes unused selectors (#36) (28b11ef)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- html base pixel unit: changes the base from 16 to 10 (#34) (61b4825)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- commitlint: adds custom commitlint config (#25) (ebf31f9)
- peer dependencies: ensure react is installed as a peer dependency (#32) (e079310)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- react: ignore react in production build to avoid conflicts (#29) (718c3f5)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- readme: fixes asset and documentation urls (#27) (6c2fb07)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
- Adds octuple pills component (#22) (4ddec57)
- changelog and commit linting: adds changelog scripts, commit message linter and updates readmes (#18) (6401ec5)
- asset swap: updates highlight rectangle making it symmetrical (#23) (879589a)
- button: refines button prop and adds form type support (#19) (44636b1)
- button: there was a missing scss selector (#17) (afb91ac)
- user agent border in tabs: overrides ua style (#20) (1396bbb)
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.