This demo uses WBB to compile Scott Chacon's Pro Git book (, which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 license
If you just want to view the output, check out or builds/html/index.html
With the Web Book Boilerplate you have the perfect place to start writing your book! It uses plain old markdown and generates a well structured HTML version of your written words. Since it's sitting on top of Pandoc and Grunt, you can easily make your books available for every platform!
The Web Book Boilerplate is also compatible with Leanpup, so even publishing your books works like a charm.
- Grunt to automate all the things!
- Pandoc-based doc generation
- Supports most used formats: mobi, epub, HTML
- Compatible with Leanpub
- Markdown-based
- SASS support
Checkout the full documentation right here!
Clone the repository via git and install the npm dependencies
$ git clone new-book
$ cd new-book
$ npm install
Ready to start! Write your book by creating chapter files in src/chapters
Add as many chapters as you want. wbb internally uses Pandoc;
checkout their user guide for more information on writing markdown.
When finished writing build your book via
$ grunt wbb:html
to get a ready-to-publish html version.
Following formats are supported:
- HTML versionwbb:epub
- epub versionwbb:mobi
- mobi versionwbb:rtf
- rtf version
If you want to publish your book on, wbb is your friend. It provides a task to prepare your leanpub publishing process. After running
$ grunt wbb:leanpub
simply copy the contents of builds/leanpub
into your manuscript
folder which should be located in your dropbox.
Don't forget to update src/Book.txt
and src/Sample.txt
More information:
You can also run
$ grunt wbb:publish
to execute all wbb tasks.
Like wbb? Follow the repo on Github. Any open questions? Follow Pascal Precht on Github and Twitter.