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File metadata and controls

272 lines (207 loc) · 8.23 KB



npx create-remix@latest

Default structure:



Symbol Purpose Example
. Folder paths
_ Hidden routes _index.tsx
$ Dynamic segment $articleSlug.tsx
(...) Optional routes ($lang).$productId.tsx
[...] Catch-all routes [...all].tsx

Best practices

Create Remix folder structure

# Shared server + client
mkdir -p app/components/scenes
mkdir -p app/components/page
mkdir -p app/components/navigation
mkdir -p app/components/common
mkdir -p app/components/input
mkdir -p app/routes/api
mkdir -p app/hooks
mkdir -p app/utils
mkdir -p app/theme
# Server only
mkdir -p app/.server/loaders
mkdir -p app/.server/actions
mkdir -p app/.server/services
mkdir -p app/.server/utils
mkdir -p app/.server/config
# Client only
#mkdir -p app/.client
# Public
mkdir -p public

How to build a typical CRUD view

  • Make a Supabase/Postgres SQL view with all columns you need, e.g. view_emission_factors
  • Create a file for your page/route (e.g. app/routes/my-page.tsx) with this structure:
    1. Load data: loader (Remix)
    2. Render: export default function MyPageName (React component). You can use DataTable to render the list view.
    3. Interactions: action (Remix): just returns genericCrudActions(…) if just standard CRUD behavior is required.

Example of a Remix.js page

Structure: loader, component, action

import React from 'react';
import { ActionFunctionArgs, LoaderFunctionArgs, json } from '@remix-run/node';
import { useLoaderData, useActionData } from '@remix-run/react';

export async function loader({ request, params }: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
	return json({ ok: true });

const ExamplePage: React.FC = () => {
	const loaderData = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
	const actionData = useActionData<typeof action>();
	return (
			Hello World
export default ExamplePage;

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
	if (request.method === 'PUT') {
		const formData = await request.formData();
		const formDataFields = Object.fromEntries(formData);
		// E.g. formDataFields.myProp
		console.log('formDataFields:', formDataFields);
		return json({ success: true });


URL and navigation:

  • useParams: Access route parameters from the URL.
  • useSearchParams: Read and manipulate query parameters in the URL.
  • useRouteLoaderData: Get data specific to a particular route from the loader function.
  • useLocation: Get the current location object with pathname, search, and hash.
  • useHref: Create a URL string for a given location.
  • useNavigate: Programmatically navigate to different routes.
  • useNavigation: Get the current navigation state (e.g., idle, submitting, or loading).
  • useNavigationType: Determine how the user navigated to the current page (push, pop, or replace).
  • useResolvedPath: Resolve a relative path against the current location.

Outlet and navigation hierarchy:

  • useOutlet: Render child routes inside parent routes.
  • useOutletContext: Access context passed from a parent route’s outlet.
  • useMatches: Access data from all matched routes in the current render.

Data loading:

  • useLoaderData: Access the data returned by the loader function for the current route.
  • useRevalidator 🆕: Revalidate data and manage loading states manually.
  • useRouteError 🆕: Access errors related to the current route.

Forms and data fetching:

  • useActionData: Access the result of an action after form submission.
  • useFormAction: Get the action URL for a form submission.
  • useSubmit: Programmatically submit a form without user interaction.
  • useFetcher: Fetch data without causing a page reload, similar to useLoaderData but triggered manually.
  • useFetchers: Get an array of all active fetchers in the application.


  • useAsyncValue 🆕: Access the resolved value from an asynchronous operation.
  • useAsyncError 🆕: Retrieve error information from an asynchronous operation.

Blockers and navigate away:

  • useBeforeUnload: Hook to perform actions before the user leaves the page.
  • unstable_useViewTransitionState: Access the state of view transitions for animations and effects during navigation.
  • useBlocker: Prevent navigation when certain conditions are met.
  • unstable_usePrompt: Display a confirmation dialog when navigating away from a page.

Form vs useFetcher

TLDR; If URL changes after action then use Form, if not use useFetcher.

(All: triggers server-side action + loader once)

  1. HTML <form>:
    • Normally: avoid
    • Traditional form submission with navigation to other route and/or full-page reload.
    • Triggers action + loader, renders on server + client (2 times)
  2. Remix <Form>:
    • The default form usage in Remix
    • No full page reload, but loader runs
    • Can use redirect in loader
    • Renders client 6 times (no render on server)
  3. Remix useFetcher with fetcher.Form:
    • When a form element is suitable, but not navigation to other route or full-page reload.
    • Renders client 6 times, useActionData returns undefined, instead action data is in
    • For AJAX-style form interactions, with a form element.
    • No full-page reload; stays on the same page and updates specific components.
  4. Remix useFetcher with fetcher.submit:
    • When a form element is not suitable.
    • Behaves similarly as fetcher.Form above
    • For programmatic control over form submission.
    • Best for scenarios like conditional submissions or button clicks outside of the form element.

handle and useMatches

interface TabHandle {
  name: string;

const currentTabHandle = matches.find((m) => m.handle)?.handle as TabHandle;

Get URL parameters

Path parameters: /page/param:


Client-side hook:

import { useParams } from '@remix-run/react';
const { paramName } = useParams();

Query parameters: ?param=value:

const url = new URL(request.url);
const paramValue = url.searchParams.get('paramName');

Client-side hook:

import { useSearchParams } from '@remix-run/react';
const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();
const myvalueParam = searchParams.get('myvalue');

Setting searchParams:

const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams();

const handleChangeSection = (sectionId: string): void => {
	const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
	newSearchParams.set('section', sectionId);

useNavigate for browser state

import { useNavigation } from "@remix-run/react";
const navigation = useNavigation();

const formDisabled = navigation.state !== "idle";

{navigation.state === 'submitting' && <ProgressSpinner />}

For POST: idle → submitting → loading → idle

ButtonLink component

import React from "react";
import { Link } from "@remix-run/react";

import { cn } from "~/lib/utils";
import { buttonVariants } from "./button";

interface ButtonLinkProps {
	to: string;
	children: React.ReactNode;
	variant?: "default" | "secondary" | "outline";
	className?: string;

export const ButtonLink: React.FC<ButtonLinkProps> = ({
	variant = "default",
}) => {
	return (
		<Link to={to} className={cn(buttonVariants({ variant }), className)}>


Merging with Lovable/GPT Engineer

  • Hand-merge package.json deps
  • Take tailwind.config.ts from GPTE
  • @ alias in viteconfig.ts + tsconfig.json
  • Optional: Search replace '@/ to '~/
  • Move /src to /app
  • Change /src to /app in 3 files
  • Delete: index.html, App.tsx, App.css, main.tsx