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The Find algorithm

The Find algorithm is a classic sequential search in an array. The array will be represented by the following types:

type T is new Integer;

type T_Arr is array (Positive range <>) of T;

T_Arr is an array of integers, with indexes ranging over positive integers. We will use this type in the functions needing an array.

Mimicking the C++ standard library, the signature of Find can be defined as follows:

function Find (A : T_Arr; Val : T) return Positive;

Find will return the smallest valid index I of A such that A (I) = Val. If no such index exists, Find returns the length of A.

A first (naive) version of Find

Specification of Find

A first specification of Find can be the following:

function Find
  (A   : T_Arr;
   Val : T)
   return Positive with
   Post =>
   (Find'Result <= A'Last + 1
    and then (for all I in A'First .. Find'Result - 1 => A (I) /= Val)),
   Contract_Cases =>
   ((for some I in A'Range => A (I) = Val) =>
      Find'Result <= A'Last and then A (Find'Result) = Val,
    others => Find'Result = A'Last + 1);
  • the postcondition indicates that the result of Find is always less or equal than A'Last + 1 and that for every index I in A less than the result of Find, A (I) differs from Val.
  • we can divide the remaining of the specification of Find into two contract cases:
    • the first case specifies the behavior of the function when there is some I in A range such that A (I) is equal to Val. In this case, the result of Find should be less or equal than A'Last (i.e. it should be a valid index of A) and the returned index I is such that A (I) = Val.
    • the second case is specified with others, as we will consider the cases for which there is no element of A equal to Val. In this case, the value returned by Find should be equal to A'Last + 1 (and is not a valid index of the array).

    Notice that GNATprove verifies the completeness and the disjointedness of contract cases. For instance, consider the following specification for Find:

    function Find
      (A   : T_Arr;
       Val : T)
       return Positive with
       Post =>
       (Find'Result <= A'Last + 1
        and then (for all I in A'First .. Find'Result - 1 => A (I) /= Val)),
       Contract_Cases =>
       ((for some I in A'Range => A (I) = Val) =>
          Find'Result <= A'Last and then A (Find'Result) = Val,
        (for some I in A'Range => A (I) /= Val) => Find'Result = A'Last + 1);

    In this case, GNATprove emits two errors:

    medium: contract cases might not be complete (e.g. when A = (others => 0) and A'First = 1 and A'Last = 0 and Val = 0)
    medium: contract cases might not be disjoint (e.g. when A = (1 => 1, others => 0) and A'First = 1 and A'Last = 2 and Val = 0)

    The first one is a completeness error: the two cases do not cover all possible cases. The second one is a disjointedness error: it may be the case that an array verifies both cases.

Implementation of Find

The implementation of Find is straightforward:

function Find
  (A   : T_Arr;
   Val : T)
   return Positive
   for I in A'Range loop
      if A (I) = Val then
	 return I;
      end if;

      pragma Loop_Invariant (for all J in A'First .. I => A (J) /= Val);
   end loop;

   return A'Last + 1;
end Find;
  • the implementation is classic: we range over A indexes trying to find an element equal to Val. If we find such an element, its index is returned, which guarantees that this will be the smallest valid index.
  • in order to prove the postconditions of Find, we must add a loop invariant. At each loop iteration, we can assert after the conditional that each traversed element differs from Val. This will be useful to prove that the returned value is the smallest valid index of A such that the corresponding element is equal to Val and this is the invariant we have chosen.

    You can try to remove the invariant: in this case, some postconditions cannot be proved.

  • a variant should be necessary to prove the termination of the function with the following pragma:
    pragma Loop_Variant (Increases => I);

    As in SPARK every for loop terminates, such a variant is not needed here (but it would be necessary with a while loop or a plain loop).

Using GNATprove on the body of Find, the contract is proved, but a range check and an overflow check performed by SPARK are not verified. These checks are done for the expression A'Last + 1: it may be the case that A'Last is Positive'Last and in this case, an overflow occurs.

A less naive version of Find

We can provide a less naive version of Find by

  • factorizing specification in a ghost function Has_Value that specifies that a value occurs in an array. This ghost function can be reused in other specifications. Ghost functions are functions that are discarded during compilation but can be used for specification. They can be used like predicates in ACSL.
  • solving the range and overflow errors by encapsulating the result of the function in an “option” type
  • using slices with arrays in order to make the specification more readable.

The predicate Has_Value

Defining the Has_Value predicate is rather straightforward:

function Has_Value
  (A   : T_Arr;
   Val : T)
   return Boolean is (for some I in A'Range => A (I) = Val);

Notice that Has_Value is defined in a package with the Ghost aspect: it is not necessary to add the aspect to the function. Like many predicates that we will define, Has_Value can be defined with a quantified expression. In this case, there is an implicit postcondition for the function that corresponds to the expression.

Defining an “option” type for holding the result of Find can be done using a variant record:

type Option (Exists : Boolean := False) is record
   case Exists is
      when True =>
	 Value : Integer;
      when False =>
   end case;
end record;

Given a value of type Option, you should first check if Exists is true: in this case, it means that Value exists, otherwise there is no acceptable value for the request. We will say that the Option is false or does not hold a valid index if the corresponding field Exists is False.

For Find, if the value is not found in the array, then Exists will be false, otherwise Value will hold the index of the array at which the element is equal to the value.

Specification of Find

The specification of Find is now:

function Find
  (A   : T_Arr;
   Val : T)
   return Option with
   Contract_Cases =>
   (Has_Value (A, Val) =>
      (Find'Result.Exists = True)
      and then Find'Result.Value in A'First .. A'Last
      and then (A (Find'Result.Value) = Val)
      and then (not Has_Value (A (A'First .. Find'Result.Value - 1), Val)),
    others => Find'Result.Exists = False);

Using Option overloads the function specification but is cleaner for dealing with the case when Val is not in A. Using Has_Value and slices on A makes the specification more readable: not Has_Value (A (A'First .. Find'Result.Value - 1), Val) means that Val does not occur in the array resulting from slicing A up to Find'Result.Value.

Implementation of Find

The implementation of Find is the same as the previous one except the use of the Option type:

function Find
  (A   : T_Arr;
   Val : T)
   return Option
   Result : Option := (Exists => False);
   for I in A'Range loop
      if A (I) = Val then
	 Result := (Exists => True, Value => I);

	 return Result;
      end if;

      pragma Loop_Invariant (not Has_Value (A (A'First .. I), Val));
      pragma Loop_Invariant (not Result.Exists);
   end loop;

   return Result;
end Find;

Notice that a slice is also used for the loop invariant and that another invariant has to be specified to ensure that Result.Exists is false in the loop (meaning that Val has not been found yet).