A brief C framework for unit testing, based on 42 rush libunit
- Sequentially execute each test in its own process
- Handle writting/reading tests on STDIN/STDOUT
- Colorfull
- Two timeout mode
- Catch a lot of signals
The lib can be compiled via make
Use make test
to start example tests
make test
Dependencies : make gcc
This lib's goal is to handle unit test functions, those functions should be prototyped like this :
int test_01(void)
and return 0
if test was succesfull or -1
- Load one test on a test list, with his name (max 32 char), the test functions and optionnal flags
void test_loader(t_test **test_list, char *test_name, t_test_func function, uint8_t flags);
- Loop through the test list and execute test, take the tested function name
int test_launcher(t_test **test_list, const char *name);
These two functions should be used inside a launcher function, which should be called by main. Your main can call all launcher successively or register them inside a t_mifunc array and use test_start
- Execute launcher stored in ftab based on arg received by main, no arg execute all launcher
int test_start(t_mifunc *ftab, size_t len, int ac, char **argv);
Don't hesitate to look tests-example !
: allow to use test writting/reading on stdin/stdoutFLAG_TIMEOUT_L
: use a longer timeout