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129 lines (98 loc) · 4.17 KB

Lara store 5.5

course on creating an online store

  1. Laravel tizimini o'rnatish lara-store

  2. Magazin shablonlarini o'rnatish html-template

  3. Barcha html andoza fayllariga view -lar tayorlash about.html => about.blade.php add-to-wishlist.html => add-to-wishlist.blade.php blog.html => blog.blade.php cart.html => cart.blade.php checkout.html => checkout.blade.php contact.html => contact.blade.php index.html => index.blade.php order-complete.html => order.blade.php product-detail.html => product.blade.php shop.html => shop.blade.php

    3.2. Buyruqlar satrida: touch about.blade.php add-to-wishlist.blade.php blog.blade.php cart.blade.php checkout.blade.php contact.blade.php index.blade.php order.blade.php product.blade.php shop.blade.php

    3.3. index.html -ni index.blade.php -ga ko'chirish

    3.4. Yonalish qo'shish: Route::view('/', 'index');

    3.5. html asset -larni public papkaga ko'chirish (css,fonts,images,js,sass)

    3.6. index.blade.php ichini to'g'rilash

    3.7. partials papka va layout.blade.php faylini hosil qilish

    3.8. patials -da nav.blade.php va footer.blade.php larni hosil qilish

    3.9. qolgan view va ularni yo'nalishlarini tashkil qilish: about.blade.php, add-to-wishlist.blade.php, blog.blade.php, cart.blade.php, checkout.blade.php, contact.blade.php, order.blade.php, product.blade.php, shop.blade.php Route::view('/', 'index'); Route::view('/about', 'about'); Route::view('/add-to-wishlist', 'add-to-wishlist'); Route::view('/blog', 'blog'); Route::view('/cart', 'cart'); Route::view('/checkout', 'checkout'); Route::view('/contact', 'contact'); Route::view('/order', 'order'); Route::view('/product-detail', 'product-detail'); Route::view('/shop', 'shop');

  4. Product modelini hosil qilish:

    php artisan make:model Product -m

    4.2. migratsiyasini to'g'rilash:

     	public function up()
             Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

    4.3. mysql da baza ochish va uni .env fayliga yozish

    4.4. php artizan migrate

  5. php artisan make:seeder ProductsTableSeeder

    5.2. ProductsTableSeeder.php 12-ta yozuv ma'lumot bilan to'ldiring, misol uchun:

    /*1 */ Product::create([ 'name' => 'Floral Dress1', 'slug' => 'floral-dress1', 'details' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.', 'image' => 'images/item-5.jpg', 'price' => 30000, 'newprice' => 0, 'sale' => 0, 'new' => 1, 'description' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsum temporibus iusto ipsa, asperiores voluptas unde aspernatur praesentium in? Aliquam, dolore!', ]);

    5.3. DatabaseSeeder.php ga ProductsTableSeeder yozvoring.. $this->call(ProductsTableSeeder::class);

    5.4. php artisan db:seed

  6. AppServiceProvider -ni to'g'rilavolish (mariadb -da ham ishlash uchun)

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; ... public function boot() { Schema::defaultStringLength(191); }

  7. yangi route yaratish:

Route::get('/', 'LandingPageController@index')->name('landing-page');

  1. php artisan make:controller LandingPageController

     public function index()
         	$newproducts = Product::where('new',1)->inRandomOrder()->take(4)->get();
     		$ourproducts = Product::inRandomOrder()->take(8)->get();
     		return view('landing-page.index')->
     			with('ourproducts', $ourproducts)->
     			with('newproducts', $newproducts);
  2. landing-page view -larni

    landing-page.index landing-page.patials.our-products

  3. shop controllerini yasash php artisan make:controller ShopController -r

  4. branch va merge o'rganish