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Releases: tikv/tikv

tikv-server v7.2.0

29 Jun 03:21
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 7.2.0 for tikv, see TiDB 7.2.0 release notes.

tikv-server v6.5.3

14 Jun 06:14
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 6.5.3 for tikv, see TiDB 6.5.3 release notes.

tikv-server v7.1.0

31 May 05:50
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 7.1.0 for tikv, see TiDB 7.1.0 release notes.

tikv-server v7.1.0-rc.0

27 Apr 09:18
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 7.1.0-rc.0 for tikv, see TiDB 7.1.0-rc.0 release notes.

tikv-server v6.5.2

21 Apr 02:34
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 6.5.2 for tikv, see TiDB 6.5.2 release notes.

tikv-server v6.1.6

12 Apr 02:50
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 6.1.6 for tikv, see TiDB 6.1.6 release notes.

tikv-server v7.0.0

30 Mar 02:16
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For new features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 7.0.0 for tikv, see TiDB 7.0.0 release notes.

tikv-server v6.5.1

10 Mar 05:21
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  • Support starting TiKV on a CPU with less than 1 core #13586 #13752 #14017 @andreid-db
  • Increase the thread limit of the Unified Read Pool (readpool.unified.max-thread-count) to 10 times the CPU quota, to better handle high-concurrency queries #13690 @v01dstar
  • Change the the default value of resolved-ts.advance-ts-interval from "1s" to "20s", to reduce cross-region traffic #14100 @overvenus

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that Resolved TS causes higher network traffic #14092 @overvenus
  • Fix the data inconsistency issue caused by network failure between TiDB and TiKV during the execution of a DML after a failed pessimistic DML #14038 @MyonKeminta
  • Fix an error that occurs when casting the const Enum type to other types #14156 @wshwsh12
  • Fix the issue that the paging in a cop task is inaccurate #14254 @you06
  • Fix the issue that the scan_detail field is inaccurate in batch_cop mode #14109 @you06
  • Fix a potential error in the Raft Engine that might cause TiKV to detect Raft data corruption and fail to restart #14338 @tonyxuqqi

tikv-server v6.1.5

28 Feb 02:58
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There is no release note for this version.

tikv-server v6.6.0

20 Feb 03:52
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  • Optimize the default values of some parameters in partitioned-raft-kv mode: the default value of the TiKV configuration item storage.block-cache.capacity is adjusted from 45% to 30%, and the default value of region-split-size is adjusted from 96MiB adjusted to 10GiB. When using raft-kv mode and enable-region-bucket is true, region-split-size is adjusted to 1 GiB by default. #12842 @tonyxuqqi
  • Support priority scheduling in Raftstore asynchronous writes #13730 @Connor1996
  • Support starting TiKV on a CPU with less than 1 core #13586 #13752 #14017 @andreid-db
  • Optimize the new detection mechanism of Raftstore slow score and add evict-slow-trend-scheduler #14131 @innerr
  • Force the block cache of RocksDB to be shared and no longer support setting the block cache separately according to CF #12936 @busyjay

Bug fixes

  • Fix an error that occurs when casting the const Enum type to other types #14156 @wshwsh12
  • Fix the issue that Resolved TS causes higher network traffic #14092 @overvenus
  • Fix the data inconsistency issue caused by network failure between TiDB and TiKV during the execution of a DML after a failed pessimistic DML #14038 @MyonKeminta