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File metadata and controls

99 lines (85 loc) · 4.89 KB
  • Syteup options & components settings are available on config.json file

  • Syteup supports three different types of modules: blogs, services and plugins

    • blog: show user personal blog post on Home section (default section), Syteup currently support showing only a one blog platform posts ('blog_platform': bogger or tumblr or wordpress,...) every blog platform settings are added to 'blogs_settings'.<blog_platform_name>
    • services: services are defined on 'services' option as boolean items (enabled or disabled), every service settings are availbale at 'services_settings'.<service_name>
    • plugins: add some extra functions to Syteup (RSS, Domain Tracking, Analytics,...), they are independent of any service and loaded after services, they are define on 'plugins' option as boolean item (enabled or disabled), and every plugin settigns are availbale at 'plugins_settings'.<plugin_name>
  • Structure of a blog module

    • config.json : blog_platform : name of blog platform to use (tumblr, wordpress, blogger,... from blogs/)
    • config.json : blogs_settings.<blog_pltaform_name> : obj of blog platform settings
    • blogs/.js : window.Blog : object of funct called by fetchBlogPosts to fetch and return a posts arrays throw Promise.resolve
      • fetch: funct to fetch the lastest posts from the blog
      • fetchMore: funct to fetch posts from the blog starting from the lastest offset
      • fetchPost: funct to fetch one post
      • fetchTag: funct to fetch posts within given Tag from the blog
      • fetchTagMore: funct to fetch posts within given Tag from the blog starting from the lastest offset
      • NOTE: all these functs return a resolved Promise with with passing posts as array every post structured as follow:
    • title: title of post
    • body: the body (content) of the post
    • id: id of the post on the blog
    • formated_date: string :formated date of the lastest update time (using moment.fromNow funct
    • tags: (optional) array of tags of the post
    • type: (optional) string: type of post (text/audio/photo/link/video/quote) like on tumblr posts
  • Structure of a service module

    • config.json : services.<service_name> : boolean (enabled/disabled)
    • config.json : services_settings.<service_name> : object of service settings to be passed to service obj functs later
    • services/.js : window.Service object called by setupService for to manipulate service template
      • displayName: display name of service (with up case letters and special letter
      • setup: funct to setup fetched data to be passed to the template
      • fetch: funct to fetch data from service server
      • getURL: funct to return the profile url from the settings
      • template: file name of template inside templates/
      • supportMore: (optional) bool setted to true if service module support showing more data (with 'Load More...' button)
      • setupMore: (optional) funct to setup fetched more data to be passed to the more template
      • fetchMore: (optional) funct to fetch more data from service server
      • templateMore: (optional) file name of more template inside templates/
    • templates/.html : service template to insert data into and show it by syteup
    • templates/-more.html : (optional) service template to show more items
  • Structure of a plugin module (plugins for syteup or syteup blog module)

    • config.json : plugins.<plugin_name> : bool (enable/disable) if it is a syteup plugin
    • config.json : blogs_settings.plugins.<plugin_name> : bool (enable/disable if it is a plugin for the blog module
    • config.json: plugins_settings.<plugin_name>: obj of the plgin settings
    • plugins/.js : window.Plugin : object of plugin functions called by either the syteup or the blog module:
      • setup: funct to setup the plugin


  • All JS behavior is kicked off by the call to fetchBlogPosts() (syte/static/js/components/blog-posts.js)

    • This function is added with JQuery after page finishes loading.
  • fetchBlogPosts() handles:

    • Setting up the handlebars template 'environment', etc.
    • Then calls setupLinks()
  • setupLinks() is main entry point for the supported services

    • This attaches behavior to the click event of all 'a' tags.

    • Each click event will determine if it's a link for one of the supported services.

    • If the click is for a supported service:

      • All other service modal dialogs are hidden and the setup* function for the specified service is called.
    • The setup* function for the service is in charge of:

      • Querying server-side endpoint for the service and populating handlebar.js context with json returned.
      • Rendering template for service with handlebar.js