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A set of styleless React components and hooks. Heavily inspired on Evergreen UI.


The goal is having a CSS-framework-agnostic component library, that could be shared among projects. Basically, each component reserves CSS class names that can be styled in any way.



  • Button
  • Overlay
  • Modal
  • Dialog
  • Side Sheet
  • Dropdown
  • Nav
  • Tabnav
  • Accordion
  • Navbar
  • Sidenav
  • App Layout
  • Card
  • Form
    • Input
    • TextArea
    • Select
    • Checkbox
  • Autocomplete
  • Table
  • Pagination

Class Names

  • Button
    • btn
    • btn--default
    • btn--minimal
    • btn--primary
    • btn--secondary
    • btn--success
    • btn--warning
    • btn--danger
  • Overlay
    • overlay
  • Modal
    • modal
  • Modal.Header
    • modal-header__title
    • modal-header__close
  • Modal.Body
    • modal-body
    • modal-body--fixed-height
  • Modal.Footer
    • modal-footer
  • SideSheet
    • side-sheet
    • side-sheet--position-right
    • side-sheet--position-left
    • side-sheet--position-top
    • side-sheet--position-bottom