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230 lines (176 loc) · 6.76 KB



Though no public API change (only additions), since v2.0.0 this library internally (via now()) attempts to use high-res ES BigInt timestamps (in Node via process.hrtime.bigint()) or falls back to or lacking that to In all cases, returns a (possibly rounded) nanosec-scale timestamp, either as bigint or number. The timeDiff() function can be used to compute the difference between two such timestamp and return it as milliseconds.













Basic usage

// functions to benchmark...
const fib = (n: number) =>
	n > 2
		? fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
		: n > 0
			? 1
			: 0;

const fib2 = (n: number) => {
    const res = [0, 1];
    for(let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
        res[i] = res[i - 1] + res[i - 2];
    return res[n];
import { timed, bench } from "";


// measure single execution time
console.log(timed(() => fib(40)));
// 318.86ms
// 102334155

console.log(timed(() => fib2(40)));
// 0.05ms
// 102334155

// measure 1mil iterations (default)
console.log(bench(() => fib(10), 1e6));
// 157.41ms
// 55

console.log(bench(() => fib2(10), 1e6));
// 95.97ms
// 55

Benchmarking with statistics

The benchmark() function executes a number of warmup runs, before executing the main measurement and producing a number of useful statistics: mean, median, min/max, 1st/3rd quartile, standard deviation (as percentage)...

See api.ts for configuration options.

Also see the formatting section below for other output options. This example uses the default format...

import { benchmark } from "";


benchmark(() => fib(40), { title: "fib", iter: 10, warmup: 5 });
// benchmarking: fib
//         warmup... 1480.79ms (5 runs)
//         total: 2917.41ms, runs: 10 (@ 1 calls/iter)
//         freq: 3.43 ops/sec
//         mean: 291.74ms, median: 291.67ms, range: [291.51..292.58]
//         q1: 291.55ms, q3: 291.79ms
//         sd: 0.10%

// also returns results:
// {
//   title: "fib",
//   iter: 10,
//   size: 1,
//   total: 2917.4060010000003,
//   freq: 3.4277025537660157,
//   mean: 291.74060010000005,
//   median: 291.668125,
//   min: 291.50624999999997,
//   max: 292.581834,
//   q1: 291.55116699999996,
//   q3: 291.788417,
//   sd: 0.10295312107365955,
// }

Benchmark suites

Multiple benchmarks can be run sequentially as suite (also returns an array of all results):

import { suite, FORMAT_MD } from "";


        { title: "fib2(10)", fn: () => fib2(10) },
        { title: "fib2(20)", fn: () => fib2(20) },
        { title: "fib2(30)", fn: () => fib2(30) },
        { title: "fib2(40)", fn: () => fib2(40) },
    { iter: 10, size: 100000, warmup: 5, format: FORMAT_MD }

// |                   Title|    Iter|    Size|       Total|   Frequency|    Mean|  Median|     Min|     Max|      Q1|      Q3|     SD%|
// |------------------------|-------:|-------:|-----------:|-----------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|-------:|
// |                fib2(10)|      10|  100000|       93.25| 10723774.45|    9.33|    9.25|    8.94|   10.27|    9.03|    9.46|    4.15|
// |                fib2(20)|      10|  100000|      110.73|  9030823.33|   11.07|   11.02|   10.91|   11.56|   10.92|   11.10|    1.76|
// |                fib2(30)|      10|  100000|      175.10|  5711056.26|   17.51|   17.58|   17.03|   17.65|   17.50|   17.60|    0.96|
// |                fib2(40)|      10|  100000|      200.01|  4999765.64|   20.00|   19.71|   19.34|   21.78|   19.55|   19.91|    3.90|

Same table as actual Markdown:

Title Iter Size Total Frequency Mean Median Min Max Q1 Q3 SD%
fib2(10) 10 100000 93.25 10723774.45 9.33 9.25 8.94 10.27 9.03 9.46 4.15
fib2(20) 10 100000 110.73 9030823.33 11.07 11.02 10.91 11.56 10.92 11.10 1.76
fib2(30) 10 100000 175.10 5711056.26 17.51 17.58 17.03 17.65 17.50 17.60 0.96
fib2(40) 10 100000 200.01 4999765.64 20.00 19.71 19.34 21.78 19.55 19.91 3.90

Output formatting

The following output formatters are available. Custom formatters can be easily defined (see source for examples). Formatters are configured via the format option given to benchmark() or suite().

  • FORMAT_DEFAULT - default plain text formatting
  • FORMAT_CSV - Comma-separated values (w/ column header)
  • FORMAT_MD - Markdown table format


Since v3.3.0 the package also provides a basic profiler to take named measurements and compute derived statistics. The profiler can by dynamically enabled/disabled, supports recursion and estimates/subtracts its internal overhead. Results can be obtained as JSON objects or CSV.

import { Profiler } from "";

// initialize with 1million warmup iterations to compute internal overhead (takes around ~100ms)
const profiler = new Profiler({ warmup: 1e6 });

// recursive function
const countdown = (n, acc = []) => {
    if (n > 0) countdown(n - 1, (acc.push(n),acc));
    return acc;

// [ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

// [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

// obtain results
// {
//   countdown: {
//     id: 'countdown',
//     total: 0.028939979283999998,
//     timePerCall: 0.0017023517225882353,
//     totalPercent: 95.99309794988116,
//     calls: 17,
//     callsPercent: 100,
//     maxDepth: 11
//   }
// }

// results formatted as CSV
// "id","total (ms)","time/call (ms)","total (%)","calls","calls (%)","max depth"
// "countdown",0.0289,0.0017,17,95.99,100.00,11