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Stephen Yeargin edited this page May 13, 2020 · 3 revisions



Application Set Up

  1. Clone the repository and navigate into that folder.
  2. composer install to load PHP libraries
  3. npm install to load JavaScript Libraries
  4. npm run-script build to build the JavaScript libraries
  5. cp .env.dist .env.local to set up configuration (edit the with database and AWS libraries)
  6. bin/console doctrine:database:create to create local database
  7. bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to create database schema
  8. symfony serve to launch the built-in Symfony Web Server

Data Import

  1. bin/console app:import-archive-org-data to update data from for thepacer collection; Run with --create-volumes for initial import.
  2. bin/console app:import-contentdm-links to update links to UT Martin's ContentDM server
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