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Install and configure Raspbian

[ updated 2020.08.05 ]

Location: Follow these instructions on your LOCAL NODE

Download the pi os iso. See (The minimal image. at the time of this tutorial)

Create the bootable sdcard

Be careful with this step! Don't delete things you don't want to delete. Be sure of your of=/dev/(yourdevhere) link.

These commands may help you locate your target.

$ df -h
$ lsblk

Copy the os image to sdcard (this will erase everything on the sdcard) dd is one option, use a disk imaging tool you're comfortable with.

$ unzip
$ sudo dd if=2020-05-27-raspios-buster-lite-armhf.img of=/dev/(yourdevicehere) bs=4M status=progress conv=fsync

or the same thing in one step

$ unzip -p | sudo dd of=/dev/(yourdevhere) bs=4M status=progress conv=fsync

Write cached data to disk.

$ sync

setup headless

Enable ssh: place a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot partition before booting.

(optionally, enable ssh) Open a terminal to the boot partion then...

$ touch ssh

WiFi (hardwired ethernet recomended) (optionally, preconfigure wifi) Open a terminal to the boot partion then...

$ vim wpa_supplicant.conf

Fill in your details..

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Be sure to change US to your country code. And use your Name-of-your-wireless-LAN and Password-for-your-wireless-LAN.

Move your sdcard into your pi and power it up.

(after booting, optionally to find the ip address of your pi to access ssh, or you can use a keyboard and monitor, or your router may have a feature you'd be able to find your PI's IP address from.)

$ sudo arp-scan -I eth0

Assuming you have arp-scan installed and your nework is and your pi is connected on the same network as your eth0 connetion.

login with ssh $ ssh [email protected] (your ip may be different) or with keybord and monitor.

user pi

password raspberry

Initial Configuration

$ sudo raspi-config
  • set password
  • set localization / keyboard
  • set wifi connection (if not using ethernet and not already set)
  • enable ssh [if not already enabled from boot ssh file]

If you're using ssh it's a good idea to set only key based ssh.

note: once you're connected with wired or wireless you may find ssh easier to continue from here for copy/paste of commands.

Update system

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

Optional Steps

Disable radio coms

(be sure you're connected with cabled ethernet first)

Edit /boot/config.txt

$ sudo vim /boot/config.txt

Locate this line

# Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README



note: older versions of raspbian you may need to use pi3-disable-wifi and pi3-disable-bt instead of the non prefixed versions.

reboot and check that wifi is not available

$ sudo reboot
$ ip a

No wireless device should be listed.

helpful links