- adds support to sparse matrix input in the form of dgCMatrix
- fit gives a message when input dataset has duplicate and does not throw an error
- fit exposes max_depth parameter with default value of ceiling(log_2(sample_size))
- path length extension is not done anymore (Thanks to karthi1870)
- ranger's forest object is now public
- fit checks for duplicates in the input dataset
- finalized on the API
- isolationForest object no longer calculates and stores anomaly scores on training data. Use predict method for this.
- mtry is no longer exposed
- version 1.0.0 was a faulty release, do not use it
- added 'mtry' argument for isolationForest method
- minor optimizations in 'terminalNodesDepth' function
- Changes in API:
is now a R6 class with new(), fit() and predict() methods. - Exported
function to obtain the depth of terminal nodes of all trees in a ranger forest.
Changed defaults to avoid bagging in extremely randomized trees (see https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/406666/what-exactly-is-the-extratrees-option-in-ranger)
in favor offurrr::furrr_map