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Vue 3.3 New Features


Hi, here's Kevin Deng, a member of the Vue core team. This release of Vue 3.3 is mainly to improve the DX (developer experience), adding some syntax sugar and macros, and improvements in TypeScript.

  • Generic Component
  • Importing External TypeScript Types in SFC (Single File Components)
  • Define Slot Types with defineSlots
  • Shorter Syntax with defineEmits
  • Defining Component Options with defineOptions
  • (Experimental) Reactive Props Destructuring
  • (Experimental) Syntactic Sugar with defineModel
  • Deprecation of Reactivity Transform

During the period when I first joined Vue last year, I was actively contributing PR for Vue 3. it was only recently that my contributions were finally merged into Vue 3.3. Vue 3.3 has implemented five or six features from Vue Macros. Today, I would like to introduce the part I contributed myself.

defineOptions Macro


Think about how before we had <script setup>, it was easy to define props and emits by simply adding a property at the same level as setup. However, with the introduction of <script setup>, we can no longer do that. The setup property is no longer available, so we cannot add properties at the same level. To address this issue, we introduced two macros: defineProps and defineEmits.

But this only solves the two properties props and emits. If we want to define the component's name, inheritAttrs, or other custom attributes, we still have to go back to the original usage - add a normal <script> tag. This will result in two <script> tags. For me personally, this is unacceptable.

  • Having two script tags can potentially cause unexpected issues with ESLint plugins or Volar.
  • If both script tags contain import statements, Vue will perform some strange special handling.
  • It becomes not only verbose but also difficult to understand for DX (Developer Experience).

Current Solution

So we newly introduced the defineOptions macro in Vue 3.3. As the name suggests, it is mainly used to define the options of the Options API. We can define arbitrary options with defineOptions, except props, emits, expose, slots (since these can be done with defineXXX). We can even use the h function or JSX to write the rendering function render directly in defineOptions without the <template> tag (but not recommended).

🌰 Example

<script setup>
  name: 'Foo',
  inheritAttrs: false,
  // ... More custom attributes

Vue SFC Playground


The origin of this feature can be traced back to the refactoring of Element Plus components into <script setup>. For a component library, we wanted to customize the name of the components rather than relying on the default file name. However, we didn't want to revert to the original way of writing components, so I developed a plugin called unplugin-vue-define-options. After several modifications, it finally evolved into the current defineOptions macro in Vue 3.3.

Hoist Static Constants

This feature is an optimization of the Single File Component (SFC) compiler. It introduces the hoistStatic option in the script section.

hoistStatic in Template

The hoistStatic feature under the template is similar in nature. The Vue compiler has an optimization that allows static element nodes to be hoisted to the top-level scope. This means they are executed only once during code loading, rather than being repeatedly executed every time the render function is invoked (although there may be some drawbacks in extreme cases).

Let's look at an example 🌰.

  <div id="title">Hello World</div>

Vue SFC Playground

The above code will be compiled into the following JavaScript (non-essential code omitted):

const _hoisted_1 = { id: 'title' }
function render(_ctx, _cache) {
  return _openBlock(), _createElementBlock('div', _hoisted_1, 'Hello World')

We can see that the ​_hoisted_1 variable is intentionally hoisted to the top level by the compiler. If this feature is disabled, it would be within the render function instead.

hoistStatic in the Script Tag

Before Vue 3.3, only the mentioned optimization existed. In Vue 3.3, we have also made a similar optimization. If a constant's value is a primitive value (string, number, boolean, bigint, symbol, null, undefined), the declaration of that constant will be hoisted to the top level. (Note: Symbol is currently not implemented.)

Since constants of these types cannot be changed, their declaration has the same effect regardless of where they are declared.


In addition to performance optimization, this feature has a more useful place. Before Vue 3.3, when we used macros, there was no way to pass variables defined in the <script setup> block. Take a look at the example below.

<script setup>
const name = 'Foo'

Vue SFC Playground

We will get an error.

[@vue/compiler-sfc] `defineOptions()` in <script setup> cannot reference locally declared variables because it will be hoisted outside of the setup() function. If your component options require initialization in the module scope, use a separate normal <script> to export the options instead.

This is because of the reason mentioned before, defineProps will add a props attribute at the same level as setup, and the name constant is declared in the setup function. We cannot refer to a variable inside a function outside of a function because the variable has not been initialized at all. The following code is definitely wrong.

const __sfc__ = {
  props: [propName],
  setup(__props) {
    const propName = 'foo'

After Vue 3.3, the propName in line 4 will be hoisted to the first line, making the code fully understandable. This feature is enabled by default, and in general, developers do not need to be aware of its existence.


The reason for developing this feature is also similar to the previous one. It is because after Element Plus sets the name using defineOptions, it needs to throw an exception under certain conditions. The exception needs to include the component's name to facilitate user debugging.

<script setup>
const name = 'ElButton'
// ...
if (condition) {
  throw new Error(`${name}: something went wrong.`)

So I wanted to avoid repetitive code by extracting the component name into a constant and referencing it separately in both defineOptions and when throwing the exception.

defineModel Macro


This macro is purely syntactic sugar. Prior to Vue 3.3, defining a two-way binding prop was quite cumbersome.

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = defineProps<{
  modelValue: number

const emit = defineEmits<{
  (evt: 'update:modelValue', value: number): void

// update value
emit('update:modelValue', props.modelValue + 1)

We had to first define props and then define emits, which involved a lot of repetitive code. If we needed to modify the value, we also had to manually call the emit function."

I was thinking: why don't we wrap a function (macro) to simplify this step? Hence the defineModel macro came into existence.

🌰 Example

<script setup>const modelValue = defineModel() modelValue.value++</script>

The cumbersome 7 lines of code mentioned above can be reduced to just two lines in Vue 3.3!

The difference with useVModel

In VueUse, there is also the useVModel function that can achieve similar effects. So why do we still need to introduce this macro?

That's because VueUse only combines props and emit functions into a Ref, but it cannot define props and emits for the component. This means that developers still need to manually call defineProps and defineEmits separately.


😛 There is no story behind this, it is purely troublesome to write. At first, I made the defineModel macro in Vue Macros (now renamed to defineModels to distinguish it from the official one), and the effect is not bad.

Importing external types in SFC

The Background

Since the release of Vue 3.2, there has been a highly popular issue in the Vue community——How to import interface for defineProps.

To address this issue, we have two options ahead of us.

  • The Vue SFC compiler to invoke the TypeScript compiler, calculate the final type, and determine which types it includes (such as String, Number, Boolean, Function, etc).
  • Achieve our own simplified TypeScript analyzer and address most of the scenarios ourselves.

As we all know, TypeScript's type acrobatics can be quite daunting. If we truly want to solve this issue perfectly, the Vue SFC compiler would need to parse and calculate all types, just like the TypeScript compiler. While the first approach sounds good, it has a significant drawback: it unavoidably relies on the massive and bloated TypeScript compiler, which would greatly slow down the build process.

Ultimately, in Vue Macros I chose the second approach, despite the current limitation of not being able to pass complex types in macros. However, this limitation is expected to be gradually improved in the future.

Vue 3.3 and Vue Macors

After Vue Macros implemented this simple analyzer, Vue core also made a similar implementation.

However, as of now, there are still differences. The iteration speed of Vue Macros is much faster than that of Vue core itself. Currently, Vue Macros is supporting more peculiar syntax, while Vue 3.3 still lacks support for certain syntax.

Therefore, in the future, if you come across a type that Vue cannot parse, it's worth trying Vue Macros. If Vue Macros still doesn't work, you can try providing a minimal reproducible code and open an issue in the Vue Macros repository. Alternatively, you can attempt using a simpler syntax that avoids secondary inference.

defineSlots Macros

The Background

Vue 3.3 introduced the defineSlots macro. We can use defineSlots to define the types of our own slots. This macro is not often needed in simple components but proves to be very useful for complex components, especially when used in conjunction with generic components. Additionally, we can manually specify the types when Volar cannot accurately infer them.

🌰 Example

<script setup lang="ts">
const slots = defineSlots<{
  default(props: { foo: string; bar: number }): any

We manually defined the slot scope type for the "default" component.

🌰 Real Example

For example, if we have a pagination component, we can use slots to control how each item should be rendered.

<script setup lang="ts" generic="T">
// Children components Paginator
  data: T[]

  default(props: { item: T }): any
  <!-- Parent Components -->
  <Paginator :data="[1, 2, 3]">
    <template #default="{ item }">{{ item }}</template>

When we pass the “data” parameter, which is of type number[], the “item” is also inferred as a number. The type of the “item” will change based on the type passed to the “data” parameter.

defineEmits more convenient syntax

This feature is also purely syntactic sugar.


<script setup lang="ts">
const emits = defineEmits<{
  (evt: 'update:modelValue', value: string): void
  (evt: 'change'): void

// ⬇️ Vue 3.3 之后
const emits = defineEmits<{
  'update:modelValue': [value: string],
  'change': []

Before Vue 3.3, we had to write a few extra characters, but now we can omit them whenever possible.

Obsolete Reactivity Transform syntactic sugar

As early as the beginning of the year, the Vue team announced the deprecation of the Reactivity Transform syntax. Specifically, it will be deprecated in Vue 3.3, resulting in a warning when used. In Vue 3.4, it will be completely removed.

Personally, I believe that Reactivity Transform still has its usefulness and relevance.

Although it has been deprecated by the official Vue team, its functionality has been moved to Vue Macros. This means that you don't have to rush to migrate to the old syntax, and you can still use plugins and receive regular bug fixes without any issues.

For specific reasons behind its removal, you can read this article.


In general, I am thrilled to see that Vue is open to accepting suggestions and proposals from the community. It makes me proud to have contributed to Vue 3.3. If you're interested in learning about more features, I recommend reading the relevant articles on the Vue blog, where you'll find more detailed information.

About Vue Macros

Vue Macros is currently an independent project separate from Vue official. Unlike Vue official, its purpose is to explore different possibilities.

I am more inclined to see more radical ideas, even if they are not fully matured. We can experiment further in Vue Macros and once they are matured, we can attempt to merge them into the Vue official repository.

Currently, Vue Macros is being maintained by me alone, and I hope to attract more community members to participate in its development! 💕