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Creating a New Lesson in an Existing Course

seankross edited this page Oct 28, 2015 · 4 revisions

The swirlify package is always aware of your current working directory and you should always keep this in mind while working with swirlify. In Creating a New Course we created a course called Normal Distribution Functions in R and we created a lesson called How to use pnorm. I've finished working on that lesson so now I'm going to create a new lesson called How to use qnorm in the Normal Distribution Functions in R course.

First I'll set my working directory to the directory that contains the Normal Distribution Functions in R course:


Then to start working on a new lesson I use the new_lesson() function:

new_lesson("How to use qnorm", "Normal Distribution Functions in R")

Executing the new_lesson() function will open up the lesson.yaml file in your text editor for the How to use qnorm lesson. You can now start adding questions to this lesson. To find out more about how to add questions to a lesson see Adding Questions to a Lesson.