LabMail is a Java application built for my 12th standard school project. It works alongside a MYSQL database server for storing and retrieving information.
The application is meant to be run from different systems connected by a single LAN connection, with the server computer(for MYSQL) operational.
When done so, users can create their own accounts, similar to a GMail account. Once an account is setup, they can login to their accounts and send/receive messages(mail) to other existing users through the application.
Features of the application include:
1 Account Creation for a user
2 A Password Recovery System, incase user forgets his/her password
3 Ability to send and receive text messages
4 Ability to delete messages and refresh the application to check for new mail.
5 Auto synchronization of the user's account with the database every 5 seconds.
6 Can work on systems connected to the same LAN connection
7 Uses a DBMS(MYSQL) server for efficient and secure storage of user data
8 60000 character limit per message
9 Exact Date and Time of Message Arrival is shown
10 Outbox and Inbox can be accessed by the user
11 If any messages are unchecked, it is indicated by a Filled Mailbox image (Empty Mailbox image otherwise)
12 A Feedback Form for the user to submit.
---------------------------------------DEVELOPED USING NETBEANS 8.2 AND MYSQL------------------------------------------------