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Releases: stripe/stripe-react-native

0.32.0 - 2023-09-15

15 Sep 18:51
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  • createPlatformPayPaymentMethod and createPlatformPayToken now also include an optional shippingContact field in their results. #1500
  • Added the removeSavedPaymentMethodMessage field to initPaymentSheet to display a custom message when a saved payment method is removed. iOS Only. #1498


  • Fixed an issue on iOS where recollecting the CVC wouldn't work correctly. #1501

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.31.1 - 2023-09-08

08 Sep 22:24
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  • [BETA] Added CustomerSheet API, a prebuilt UI component that lets your customers manage their saved payment methods. #1491
  • [PaymentSheet] Added support for AmazonPay (private beta), BLIK (iOS only), GrabPay, and FPX with PaymentIntents. #1491


  • Fixed font scaling on Android PaymentSheet not respecting floating-point number values. #1469

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.30.0 - 2023-08-04

04 Aug 22:09
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  • Added the handleNextActionForSetup method. This can be used exactly like handleNextAction, except with SetupIntents. #1440
  • canAddCardToWallet now returns the fpanLastFour and dpanLastFour in the GooglePayCardToken type. The cardLastFour field (which is now superseded by fpanLastFour) is deprecated.


  • Fixed an error on Android where AddressSheet would throw an error if submitted with the keyboard open. #1462
  • Fixed an issue where state was not included in the returned PaymentIntent's shippingDetails on iOS. #1465
  • Fixed an error where usePaymentSheet could cause infinite reloads. #1439'

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.29.0 - 2023-07-13

13 Jul 21:02
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Breaking changes

  • The Apple Pay and Google Pay APIs, which are deprecated and were replaced with the Platform Pay API last year, have been removed. #1424



  • Fixes handleURLCallback to only take action on iOS, no-op on Android. #1423

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.28.0 - 2023-06-16

16 Jun 18:41
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  • Added a disabled prop to CardField and CardForm which applies a disabled state such that user input is not accepted. #1403


  • Fixed an instance on Android where collectBankAccountToken or collectFinancialConnectionsAccounts could result in a fatal error. #1401
  • Resolve with better error objects on iOS in confirmPaymentSheetPayment, createTokenForCVCUpdate, createPaymentMethod, retrievePaymentIntent, and retrieveSetupIntent #1399

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.2 - 2023-05-15

15 May 20:42
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  • Updated stripe-android from 20.24.0 to 20.25.+ #1384
  • Updated stripe-ios from 23.7.+ to 23.8.+ #1384

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.1 - 2023-05-03

03 May 19:08
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Note: Xcode 13 is no longer supported by Apple. Please upgrade to Xcode 14.1 or later.


  • Fixed the type of created on Token.Result on Android (was a number, should be a string). #1369
  • Fixed AddToWalletButton not properly resolving the androidAssetSource in release mode. #1373
  • Fixed isPlatformPaySupported not respecting existingPaymentMethodRequired or testEnv on Android. #1374

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.0 - 2023-04-21

21 Apr 18:05
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  • Added billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration to initPaymentSheet parameters. Use this to configure the collection of email, phone, name, or address in the Payment Sheet. #1361


  • Updated Google Pay button asset to match Google's most recent branding guidelines. #1343
  • Fixed type for ApplePay.ShippingContact.phoneNumber. #1349
  • Fixed CardResult type to include threeDSecureUsage. #1347

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.26.0 - 2023-03-16

16 Mar 22:02
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New Features

  • Added support for PayPal and CashApp to PaymentSheet, confirmPayment, and confirmSetupIntent. #1331


  • Compatible with v0.1.4 of @stripe/stripe-identity-react-native. 8fa8a7a

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.25.0 - 2023-02-27

27 Feb 18:03
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New Features

  • Added the supportsTapToPay option to canAddCardToWallet. #1308


  • Fixed an issue on iOS where canAddCardToWallet would always return a details.status of UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE on iPads. #1305
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where canAddCardToWallet would always return a {canAddCard: false} if the card in question had been provsioned on the current device, but had not yet been provisioned on a paired Watch. #1305
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where the deprecated onDidSetShippingMethod & onDidSetShippingContact events wouldn't be triggered if you were using the useApplePay hook without using the ApplePayButton component. #1298
  • Fixed an issue on Android where canAddCardToWallet could result in a null pointer exception on devices without NFC compatibility. #1308

Please see the changelog for additional details.