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# Python

File metadata and controls

155 lines (137 loc) · 6.83 KB

Python Libraries & Modules i've studied while learning Python

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. String Module
  3. Statistics Module
  4. Random Module
  5. Time Module
  6. Shutil Module
  7. CSV Module
  8. Datetime
  9. Math Module
  10. Pytz Module
  11. Pyshorteners Module
  12. Requests Library


I've studied these libraries & modules during learning proceedure of Python. This file contains a short explanation, pip install and a link of the Python library & module. It only includes functions-methods for each library that i've used in PyLearn-Excercises. I tried to avoid the most common and well known modules like numpy, pandas etc.

1. String Module

  • Provides common string operations. A collection of string constants.
  • To import "import string"
  • Pip Install: pip install strings
  • String Module Documentation
  • 🔻STRING Functions i've used:
    • string.digits(): Output: 0123456789.
    • string.ascii_uppercase(): Output: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

2. Statistics Module

  • Mathematical statistics functions. Functions for calculating mathematical statistics.
  • To import "import statistics"
  • Pip Install: pip install statistics
  • Statistics Module Documentation
  • 🔻STATISTICS functions i've used:
    • fmean(): median of float numbers.
    • mean(): median of integer numbers.
    • mode(): the most occuring value.
    • multimode(): the most occuring 2 vlues.

3. Random Module

  • The random module in Python provides functions for generating random numbers.
  • To import "import random"
  • Pip Install: pip install random
  • Random Module Documentation
  • 🔻RANDOM functions i've used:
    • random.randit(): generate a random integer.
    • random.random(): generates a random float num between 0-1.
    • random.choice(): chooses a random element from a list.
    • random.choices():random.choices(population, weights=None, k=1)
    • random.shuffle(): shuffles the list randomly.
    • random.sample():picks random element from an iterable without replacement.

4. Time Module

  • Time module provides time related functions.
  • To import "import time"
  • Pip install: pip install TIME-python
  • Time Module Documentation
  • 🔻TIME functions i've used:
    • time.sleep(): stops execution for the given number of seconds.
    • perf_counter():counts the time of a working proceedure- start, end

5. Shutil Module

  • Shutil modeule offers copying, removing functions for files.
  • To import "import shutil"
  • Pip install: pip install shutil
  • Shutil Module Documentation
  • 🔻Shutil functions i've used:
    • shutil.copy(): copies the source file or directory.
    • shutil.rmtree(path): deletes a directory containing files.

6. OS.path Module

  • Os.path module has useful functions on pathnames.
  • To import "import os"
  • pip install: pip install os
  • OS.PATH Documentation
  • 🔻os.path functions that i've used:
    • os.path.exists(): this checks if the named file exists on the given path .
    • os.path.basename(path): extracts the file name without extenstion from a path.
    • os.path.isfile():checks if a given path is a file.
    • os.path.isdir(): checks if a given path is a directory.
    • os.path.getsize(path): returns the size of a file in bytes.

7. CSV Module

  • CSV: most common format for spreads, excel sheets, comma sperated data.
  • CSV module implements classes to read and write tabular data in CSV format
  • To import: import csv
  • pip install: already included in Python
  • CSV Module
  • 🔻csv functions that i've used:
    • csv.reader(): is used to read from a CSV file row by row.
    • csv.writer(): is used to write to a CSV file row by row.
    • csv.DictReader() and csv.DictWriter(): are used when the CSV file has a header, allowing you to access data by column names.
    • writerow() and writerows(): are used to write rows to a CSV file.
    • writeheader(): is used to write the header row to a CSV file when using DictWriter.

8. Datetime Module

  • Datetime module supplies classes to work with dates, time anda datetime.
  • To import: "import datetime"
  • pip install: already included in Python
  • Datetime Module
  • 🔻Datetime functions that i've used:
    • datetime():creates datetime objects
    • Returns the current local date and time.
    • strftime():Returns a string representing the date and time, formatted according to the specified format.
    • strptime():Parses a string representing a date and time according to a specified format.
    • fromisoformat(): Returns a string representing the date and time in ISO
    • timedelta(): duration or difference between two dates or times.
    • datetime.astimezone(tz=None): Converts the datetime object from one timezone to another.
    • datetime.replace(tzinfo=tz): Replaces the timezone information of the datetime object.
    • datetime.(): (year, month, day, hour, minute, second): returns the written data.

9. Math Module

  • Math Module: provides a set of mathematical functions and constants for mathematical operations.
  • To import: "import math"
  • pip install: pip install math
  • Math Module
  • 🔻Math functions that i've used:
    • math.pow(x, y): Returns x raised to the power y
    • math.sqrt(): square root of a number
    • math.ceil(): ceils a number
    • math.floor(): floors a number
    • math.factorial(): factorial of a number
    • math.gcd(): greatest common diviser

10. Pytz Module

  • Pytz module: creates aware datetime obj with timezone. All Olson timzones supported.
  • To import: pip install "import Pytz
  • pip install: pip install pytz
  • Pytz Module
  • 🔻Math functions that i've used:
    • pytz.timezone(: gets tz info of an object.)

11. Pyshorteners Module

  • Pyshorteners module: URL shortening library. Some API's not working anymore.
  • To import: import pyshorteners
  • pip install: pip install pyshorteners
  • pyshorteners Module
  • 🔻Pyshorteners functions that i've used:
    • pyshorteners.pyshorteners(): shortens URL

12. Requests Module

  • Requests module: HTTP module.
  • to import: import requests
  • pip install : pip install requests
  • Requests
  • 🔻Requests functions that i've used:
    • requests.get():
    • requests.