The Diablo Killcounter reads the killdata from your savegame / Devilutionx memory and creates a HTML page. e.g. my Diablo Killcounter
start a new multiplayer session in kill some mobs
press escape -> new game
press escape -> to main menu
start a single player game and create a killcounter char
press escape -> save your game and quit Diablo / DevilutionX
when you start the game the next time -> start singleplayer and load you killcounter char
press escape -> new game -> start your multiplayer session
when done, press escape -> new game -> goto main menu
this time select you killcounter char and select new game !!!!!!
press escape -> save game and quit Diablo / Devilutionx
- start Devilution 1.5.0 or 1.5.1
- open the cheat table for your game version
- load killcounter char in single player mode
- in Cheat Engine open the "Table" menu -> "Show Cheat Table LUA Script"
- select your release version (local release = "0" or "1")
- 1 table data only e.g. for wordpress / other sites (you must upload the monster images to your webspace and change the imagepath1 var)
- 0 for local data with complete html (imagepath will be images/)
- press the Execute Script Button
- copy the data from the output window
- download MPQEditor (
- download LUA (
- compile the SV Tool (
- copy your single player savegame (e.g. single_0.hsv) to the programm folder
- change the savegame filename in killcounter.cmd (standard: single_0.hsv)
- edit the variables in the killcounter.lua script
- start killcounter.bat