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The goal of stikpetR is to provide functions for statistical analysis of surveys. The functions are documented with the formulas and references used.

The functions are NOT optimized but instead relatively easy to follow. If you would look at the source code it is most often a combination of if statements and for loops.


You can install the development version of stikpetR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

The following functions are included:

Function Performs
es_bag_s Bennett-Alpert-Goldstein S
es_bin_bin Effect Sizes for Binary vs. Binary incl. 85 measures
es_cohen_d_os Cohen d' (for one-sample)
es_cohen_d_ow Cohen d for one-way ANOVA
es_cohen_d_ps Cohen d_z (for paired-samples)
es_cohen_f Cohen f
es_cohen_g Cohen g
es_cohen_h Cohen h
es_cohen_h_os Cohen h'
es_cohen_kappa Cohen kappa
es_cohen_w Cohen w
es_common_language_is Common Language Effect Size (ind. Samples)
es_common_language_ps Common Language Effect Size (Paired Samples)
es_cont_coeff Contingency Coefficient
es_convert Convert one effect size to another
es_cramer_v_gof Cramér V (for goodness-of-fit)
es_cramer_v_ind Cramér V (for independence)
es_dominance Dominance
es_epsilon_sq Epsilon Squared
es_eta_sq Eta Squared
es_freeman_theta Freeman Theta
es_glass_delta Glass Delta
es_goodman_kruskal_lambda Goodman-Kruskal Lambda
es_goodman_kruskal_tau Goodman-Kruskal tau
es_hedges_g_is Hedges g (ind. samples)
es_hedges_g_os Hedges g (one-sample)
es_hedges_g_ps Hedges g (paired samples)
es_jbm_e Johnston-Berry-Mielke E
es_jbm_r Berry-Johnston-Mielke R
es_kendall_w Kendall w
es_odds_ratio Odds Ratio
es_omega_sq Omega Square
es_pairwise_bin pairwise binary effect sizes
es_phi Phi coefficient
es_rmsse Root Mean Square Standardized Effect Size
es_scott_pi Scott pi
es_theil_u Theil U
es_tschuprow_t Tschuprow T
es_vargha_delaney_a Vargha and Delaney A
me_consensus Consensus
me_mean Mean (incl. different types of means)
me_median Median
me_mode Mode
me_mode_bin Mode for binned data
me_quantiles Quantiles (incl. 18 different methods)
me_quartile_range Quartile Ranges
me_quartiles Quartiles (incl. 20 different methods)
me_qv Qualitative Variation (25 different measures)
me_variation Quantitative Variation (8 different measures)
ph_binomial Pairwise Binomial test
ph_column_proportion Column Proportion test
ph_conover_iman Post-Hoc Conover-Iman Test
ph_dunn Post-Hoc Dunn test (after Kruskal-Wallis)
ph_dunn_q Post-Hoc Dunn test (after Cochran Q)
ph_friedman Post-Hoc Friedman test
ph_mann_whitney Pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests
ph_mcnemar_co Pairwise McNemar test (collapsing others)
ph_mcnemar_pw Pairwise McNemar test
ph_mood_median Pairwise Mood Median test
ph_nemenyi Post-Hoc Nemenyi Test
ph_pairwise_is Post-Hoc Pairwise Independent Samples Test
ph_pairwise_ps Post-Hoc Pairwise Paired Samples Tests
ph_pairwise_t Post-Hoc Pairwise Student T
ph_residual Post-Hoc Residual Test
ph_sdcf Post-Hoc Steel-Dwass-Critchlow-Fligner Test
r_goodman_kruskal_gamma Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
r_kendall_tau Kendall Tau (a and b)
r_pearson Pearson Correlation Coefficient
r_point_biserial Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient
r_polychoric Polychoric Correlation Coefficient
r_rank_biserial_is (Glass) Rank Biserial Correlation / Cliff Delta
r_rank_biserial_os Rank biserial correlation coefficient (one-sample)
r_rosenthal Rosenthal Correlation Coefficient
r_somers_d Somers’ d
r_spearman_rho Spearman Rho / Rank Correlation Coefficient
r_stuart_tau Stuart Tau c / Kendall Tau c
r_tetrachoric Tetrachoric Correlation Coefficient
tab_cross Cross Table / Contingency Table
tab_frequency Frequency Table
tab_frequency_bins Binned Frequency Table
tab_nbins Number of Bins
th_cohen_d Rules of Thumb for Cohen d
th_cohen_g Rule-of-Thumb for Cohen g
th_cohen_h Rule-of-Thumb for Cohen h
th_cohen_w Rule-of-Thumb for Cohen w
th_odds_ratio Rules of thumb for Odds Ratio
th_pearson_r Rules of Thumb for Pearson Correlation Coefficient
th_yule_q Rules of thumb for Yule Q
ts_alexander_govern_owa Alexander-Govern Test
ts_bhapkar Bhapkar Test
ts_binomial_os One-Sample Binomial Test
ts_box_owa Box F-Test
ts_brown_forsythe_owa Brown-Forsythe Means Test
ts_cochran_owa Cochran One-Way ANOVA
ts_cochran_q Cochran Q Test
ts_cressie_read_gof Cressie-Read Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_cressie_read_ind Cressie-Read Test of Independence / Power Divergence Test
ts_fisher Fisher Exact test
ts_fisher_freeman_halton Fisher-Freeman-Halton Exact test
ts_fisher_owa Fisher/Classic One-Way ANOVA / F-Test
ts_fligner_policello Fligner-Policello Test
ts_freeman_tukey_gof Freeman-Tukey Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_freeman_tukey_ind Freeman-Tukey Test of Independence
ts_freeman_tukey_read Freeman-Tukey-Read Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_friedman Friedman Test
ts_g_gof G (Likelihood Ratio) Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_g_ind G (Likelihood Ratio / Wilks) Test of Independence
ts_ham_owa Hartung-Argaç-Makambi Test
ts_james_owa James One-Way Test
ts_kruskal_wallis Kruskal-Wallis H Test
ts_mann_whitney Mann-Whitney U Test
ts_mcnemar_bowker (McNemar-)Bowker Test
ts_mehrotra_owa Mehrotra Test
ts_mod_log_likelihood_gof Mod-Log Likelihood Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_mod_log_likelihood_ind Mod-Log Likelihood Test of Independence
ts_mood_median Mood Median Test
ts_multinomial_gof Exact Multinomial Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_neyman_gof Neyman Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_neyman_ind Neyman Test of Independence
ts_ozdemir_kurt_owa Özdemir-Kurt Test
ts_pearson_gof Pearson Chi-Square Test of Goodness-of-Fit
ts_pearson_ind Pearson Chi-Square Test of Independence
ts_powerdivergence_gof Power Divergence Goodness-of Fit Tests
ts_powerdivergence_ind Power Divergence Test of Independence
ts_score_os One-Sample Score Test
ts_scott_smith_owa Scott-Smith Test
ts_sign_os one-sample sign test
ts_sign_ps Paired Samples Sign Test
ts_stuart_maxwell Stuart-Maxwell / Marginal Homogeneity Test
ts_student_t_is Student t Test (Independent Samples)
ts_student_t_os One-Sample Student t-Test
ts_student_t_ps Student t Test (Paired Samples)
ts_trimmed_mean_is Independent Samples Trimmed/Yuen Mean Test
ts_trimmed_mean_os One-Sample (Yuen or Yuen-Welch) Trimmed Mean Test
ts_trinomial_os One-Sample Trinomial Test
ts_trinomial_ps Trinomial Test (Paired Samples)
ts_wald_os One-Sample Wald Test
ts_welch_owa Welch One-Way ANOVA
ts_welch_t_is Welch t Test (Independent Samples)
ts_wilcox_owa Wilcox Test
ts_wilcoxon_os One-Sample Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
ts_wilcoxon_ps Paired Samples Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
ts_z_is Independent Samples Z Test
ts_z_os One-Sample Z Test
ts_z_ps Z-test (Paired Samples)
vi_bar_clustered Clustered / Multiple Bar Chart
vi_bar_dual_axis Dual-Axis Bar Chart
vi_bar_simple Simple Bar-Chart
vi_bar_stacked_multiple Multiple Stacked Bar-Chart
vi_bar_stacked_single Single Stacked Bar-Chart
vi_boxplot_single Box (and Whisker) Plot
vi_boxplot_split Split Box Plot
vi_butterfly_chart Butterfly Chart / Tornado Chart / Pyramid Chart
vi_cleveland_dot_plot Cleveland Dot Plot
vi_dot_plot Dot Plot
vi_histogram Histogram
vi_histogram_split Split Histogram
vi_pareto_chart Pareto Chart
vi_pie Pie Chart
vi_spine_plot Spine Plot


R package with statistical functions.







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