A Reddit client for Android
A Matrix collaboration client for Android.
A free, secure and open source app for Android to manage your 2-step verification tokens.
CPU Info is a KMP application which provides information about device hardware and software
Accessibility service based AutoFill plugin for Keepass2Android
GsfProxy: legacy support proxy library, requires GmsCore
✎ Android client for Nextcloud Notes app.
Backend for UnifiedNlp that uses Mozilla Location Service for geolocation.
UnifiedNlp geocoder backend that uses the OSM Nominatim service
DAVx⁵ is an open-source CalDAV/CardDAV suite and sync app for Android. You can also access your online files (WebDAV) with it.
This package has born as personal-use purpose, just grouping all the features it provides, in order to simplify the installation/update process, making MiXplorer a full "all-in-one" in one shot...
A youtube/plex and local video (MP4/MKV) player for Android Auto
A simple way to block access to the internet per app
Waydroid uses a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system like Ubuntu.
A user-friendly desktop mode launcher that offers a modern and customizable user interface
Python Script to add OpenGapps, Magisk, libhoudini translation library and libndk translation library to waydroid !
Kitsune Mask (magisk) manager for Waydroid.
Companion Android application for Magisk
XWaydroid, the Waydroid launcher tool to improve the user experience of KDE / X-Server users!