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216 lines (139 loc) · 6.15 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (139 loc) · 6.15 KB


Mandatory ----------------------------------------------------------------->

[x] Your program has to take a configuration file as argument, or use a default path.

[x] You can’t execve another web server.

[ ] Your server must never block and the client can be bounced properly if necessary.

[ ] It must be non-blocking and use only 1 poll() (or equivalent) for all the I/O operations between the client and the server (listen included).

[x] poll() (or equivalent) must check read and write at the same time.

[x] You must never do a read or a write operation without going through poll() (or equivalent).

[x] Checking the value of errno is strictly forbidden after a read or a write operation.

[x] You don’t need to use poll() (or equivalent) before reading your configuration file

[x] You can use every macro and define like FD_SET, FD_CLR, FD_ISSET, FD_ZERO (understanding what and how they do it is very useful).

[ ] A request to your server should never hang forever.

[ ] Your server must be compatible with the web browser of your choice.

[x] We will consider that NGINX is HTTP 1.1 compliant and may be used to compare headers and answer behaviors.

[ ] Your HTTP response status codes must be accurate.

[ ] You server must have default error pages if none are provided.

[x] You can’t use fork for something else than CGI (like PHP, or Python, and so forth).

[ ] You must be able to serve a fully static website.

[x] Clients must be able to upload files.

[x] You need at least GET, POST, and DELETE methods.

[ ] Stress tests your server. It must stay available at all cost.

[x] Your server must be able to listen to multiple ports (see Configuration file).

[ ] Configuration file:

[x] Choose the port and host of each ’server’.

[x] Setup the server_names or not.

[ ] The first server for a host:port will be the default for this host:port
    (that means it will answer to all the requests that don’t belong to an
    other server).

[ ] Setup default error pages.

[ ] Limit client body size.

[ ] Setup routes with one or multiple of the following rules/configuration
    (routes wont be using regexp):

    [ ] Define a list of accepted HTTP methods for the route.

    [ ] Define a HTTP redirection.

    [ ] Define a directory or a file from where the file should be searched
        (for example, if url /kapouet is rooted to /tmp/www, url
        /kapouet/pouic/toto/pouet is /tmp/www/pouic/toto/pouet).

    [ ] Turn on or off directory listing.

    [ ] Set a default file to answer if the request is a directory.

    [ ] Execute CGI based on certain file extension (for example .php).

    [ ] Make it work with POST and GET methods.

    [ ] Make the route able to accept uploaded files and configure where
        they should be saved.

        [ ] Do you wonder what a CGI is?

        [ ] Because you won’t call the CGI directly, use the full path as

        [ ] Just remember that, for chunked request, your server needs to
            unchunk it, the CGI will expect EOF as end of the body.

        [ ] Same things for the output of the CGI. If no content_length is
            returned from the CGI, EOF will mark the end of the returned

        [ ] Your program should call the CGI with the file requested as
            first argument.

        [ ] The CGI should be run in the correct directory for relative
            path file access.

        [ ] Your server should work with one CGI (php-CGI, Python, and so

[ ] You must provide some configuration files and default basic files to test and demonstrate every feature works during evaluation.


[x] server - [x] server_name - [x] listen - [x] error_page - [x] index - [x] autoindex - [x] root - [x] client_max_body_size

[x] location - [x] limit_except - [x] client_max_body_size - [x] index - [x] root - [x] autoindex (check if definded by server on) - [x] alias

[x] redirect


[ ] http - [x] error_page - [x] client_max_body_size - [x] index - [x] autoindex - [x] root - [x] server - [x] listen - [x] error_page - [x] index - [x] autoindex - [x] root - [x] client_max_body_size - [x] rewrite - [x] location - [x] limit_except - [x] error_page - [x] client_max_body_size - [x] index - [x] root - [x] autoindex - [x] rewrite - [x] alias - [x] fastcgi_pass


[x] _findVirtualServer logic

[x] localhost =>


[ ] limit_except multicontent

[ ] server_name : "If no server_name is defined in a server block then nginx uses the empty name as the server name" || Not handle at all

[ ] const and reference all getters and others where possible


[x] Handle SIGINT signal

[x] Root path must be absolute path to file

[x] In case there are no root paths, return INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

[x] Handle index directive in case URI is a folder


[x] Handle boundary=------------------------.... in WebServer::_parseRequest

[x] Parse file headers and save them in clientRequest.requestFileHeaders and file content

[x] Checking the value of errno is strictly forbidden after a read or a write operation.

Bonus --------------------------------------------------------------------->

[ ] Support cookies and session management (prepare quick examples).

[ ] Handle multiple CGI.

[ ] Make a pseudo installer script to configure roots and server_names

Bugs ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

[x] i commenti all'interno delle righe non vengono individuati

[x] es. listen 1111 default_server; se spazi consecutivi => 0

[x] la direttiva listen puo contenere un solo [ip:port] e opzionalmente il val default_server, aggiungere check parser.


[x] 104 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in WebServer::startServers() (WebServer.cpp:101) GGcavanna