This is a repository containing all of the latest code dependencies for the Delite Compiler Framework, an interactive framework to rapidly and effeciently create DSL's.
Three repositories are submodules in this framework. See each individual repository for further detail:
cd hyperdsl
git submodule update --init
sbt compile
cd hyperdsl
git pull
git submodule update
sbt compile
sbt and several other scripts require the following environment variables to be set:
HYPER_HOME: hyperdsl repository home directory
LMS_HOME: virtualization-lms-core repository home directory
DELITE_HOME: Delite repository home directory
FORGE_HOME: Forge repository home directory
JAVA_HOME: JDK home directory contains the sensible defaults for all of these paths except JAVA_HOME
The hyperdsl repository points to a specific commit of each of the three repositories above that are known to work with each other. If you 'cd' into any of these repositories and enter git status
you will notice this. If you want to checkout a specific branch of a submodule you can do so and operate on that branch in a normal fashion. Please see for more information on working with git submodules.