The demo versions are just proof-of-concepts.
- smooth first launch flow (downloading assets and creating default config and stuff)
- login flow for mojang accounts
- fast subsequent startups
- rendering player's current chunk
- the view can be moved around using
commands from another player
- the view can be moved around using
- basic config screens (account settings and server settings)
- refactor networking
- add compression support
- add encryption support
- basic config system
- sign in screen on first launch
- config screen for changing account details (used a logout button for now instead)
- remove need for minecraft to be already installed
- add basic way to exit game and get back to server list
- prettyprint config json
- way to re-order servers
- move some things to menu bar instead of tool bar (like account stuff)
- none, just fixes some critical bugs from demo 1
- refresh access token before each server join
- fix first time server join
The demo versions were just proof-of-concepts. The alpha versions will still be far from complete but will be looking a lot more promising.
- rendering
- proper lighting
- multipart structures (e.g. fences)
- random block rotations
- multichunk rendering
- complete redesigned rendering system
- animated textures
- frustum culling
- mip maps
- proper tints (redstone, leaves, water and grass etc.)
- fluids
- proper transparency and translucency rendering
- movements
- basic input system
- basic spectator mode movement (freecam)
- ui
- cleaner ui and ui code
- edit server list screen
- accounts screen
- multi-accounting (allow easily switching between accounts)
- improved memory usage
- multipart structure reading (from pixlyzer)
- multipart structure rendering
- parallelise generating chunk meshes
- order chunks based on distance from player when generating meshes
- order chunks based off frustum as well
- basic shading (face normal based) (bake light levels into block models)
- mip maps
- rewrite block model loading system
- lighting
- animated textures
- fix gpu ram usage (clear buffers when not being used, possibly use private mode buffers, possibly use a big default size buffer and transfer things through that)
- fix indices (either use 6 vertices to a face or do the fancy shader thing from before (adjusting the vertex indices))
- optimise chunk mesh preparation
- proper transparent and translucent rendering
- non-transparent leaves for now (better performance)
- reduce cpu time for frames (gpu frame time is well below 16ms, cpu is taking up the majority of the time each frame)
- possibly use section based rendering instead of chunk based
- basic multichunk rendering
- fix hypixel chunk loading
- fix grass block sides
- implement rescale
- random block variants (that match vanilla)
- frustum culling for chunks
- create an input system
- keyboard
- mouse
- create a physics loop
- make a loop that runs at a consistent interval
- add basic physics simulation
- add basis for multi-accounting
- config
- login code
- add offline account support
- ui for switching accounts
- fix memory usage errors (when leaving a server or starting the app for the first time a lot of memory doesn't get freed for some reason)
- fluids
- waterlogging
- block id refactor (issue #25)
- collision system
- auto-jump
- gravity
- load hitboxes
- wireframe hitboxes
- detect player-block collisions
- handle collisions
- auto-jump
- add gravity to physics
- f3
- hotbar
- health
- xp bar
- bubbles (the indicator for drowning stuff)
- basic inventory view
- font rendering
- modular hud system
- bars
- health
- hunger
- xp
- bubbles
- item rendering
- hotbar
- basic inventory (just for viewing)