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Become a sponsor to Anthony Fu

Hi 👋

My name is Anthony Fu, a fanatical open sourceror. Working at NuxtLabs.

Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS, Elk, Vitesse, and a few others.
Core team member of Vue, Nuxt and Vite.
Team member of Windi CSS, wenyan-lang 文言 and Intlify.

Dreaming up ideas and making them come true is where my passion lies. See my project list here.

A few highlights:

  • Nuxt DevTools - Unleash Nuxt Developer Experience
  • Vitest - A blazing fast unit-test framework powered by Vite
  • UnoCSS - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine
  • VueUse - Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
  • Elk - A nimble Mastodon web client
  • Vitesse - An opinionated Vite starter template and its plugins
  • unplugin - Unified plugin system for Vite, Rollup, and Webpack
  • Slidev - Presentation Slides for Developers
  • Type Challenges - Collection of challenges that helps you learn and master the TypeScript's type system
  • Icônes - Icon Explorer for any icon set with Instant searching

Your sponsorship means a lot to me. It will help me sustain my projects actively and make more of my ideas come true. Much appreciated! 💖 🙏

若你无法使用 GitHub Sponsor,你也可以通过 爱发电 支持我的工作!谢谢!

💖 Sponsor more!

Open-source projects can not made possible without relying on others' work or help from the community. I shouldn't take the credit solely. If you enjoy those tools, I highly recommend you consider sponsoring also other maintainers who are working on the foundations of the tools we are using. I invite you to look deeper into your projects and find the ones you rely on.

Thanks a lot for sponsoring us, and making the open-source world an even better place! 💖

Current sponsors 255

Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor
Private Sponsor

Past sponsors 598

Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. vitest-dev/vitest

    Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.

    TypeScript 11,768
  2. vueuse/vueuse

    Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3

    TypeScript 18,672
  3. vitejs/vite

    Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast!

    TypeScript 64,582
  4. slidevjs/slidev

    Presentation Slides for Developers

    TypeScript 31,110
  5. unocss/unocss

    The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.

    TypeScript 15,362
  6. elk-zone/elk

    A nimble Mastodon web client

Select a tier

$ a month

You'll receive any rewards listed in the $8 monthly tier. Additionally, a Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$4 a month


☕️ Buy me a cup of coffee every month. Thank you!

Your avatar will be visible as Backers on my major projects.

$8 a month


🐣 Join my Sponsor Program, getting early access to my WIP projects, and participate in the discussions and decision making in the early stage of those projects.

Sponsor Program: early access to my WIP projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$16 a month


⛱ Help me better focus on my work.

Your name & avatar will be visible as Sponsors on my major projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$32 a month


🦾 With your great support, I can spend more time on Open Source maintaining projects, and making more ideas land!

Your bug reports and feature requests will be prioritized.
Your name & avatar will be visible as Sponsors on my projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$64 a month


💛 Wow! That's a lot! Thank you!

Your name & avatar will be visible as Sliver Sponsors on my major projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$128 a month


🌸 Thank you so much!

Your name & logo/avatar will be visible as Sliver Sponsors on my major projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$256 a month


🦉 Thank you so much!

Your name & logo/avatar will be visible as Gold Sponsors on my major projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$512 a month


🦕 This tier could significantly help me dedicate more time to Open Source and ensures my projects stay healthy and actively maintained.

Your name & logo will be visible as Platinum Sponsors on my projects.
(+ all previous rewards)

$1,024 a month


🐕 Thank you so much!

Let's discuss what you want for this tier :)

$2,048 a month


🐙 Thank you so much!

Let's discuss what you want for this tier :)